[11.2M8] kde4 vs chromium

Hi all
i just upgraded to opensuse 11.2 M8 because of my intel video.
it seems working well.
But one thing I did not get I am run KDE settings > default
applications(hope you knew what I’m talking about)
and make my default browser chromium-browser
but when I click on the link in kontact’s knode module for example
browser is start running but it open default page
I am try to write there



chromium-browser %u

I did not really understand what this mean but I see somewhere at
firefox.desktop or similar

my architecture is x86-64
G33 intel chipset

~> glxgears

*** NOTE: Don't use glxgears as a benchmark.
OpenGL implementations are not optimized for frame rates >> 60fps,
thus these numbers are meaningless when compared between vendors.

2642 frames in 5.0 seconds = 528.370 FPS
2727 frames in 5.0 seconds = 545.323 FPS
2635 frames in 5.0 seconds = 526.981 FPS
2551 frames in 5.0 seconds = 510.117 FPS
2357 frames in 5.0 seconds = 471.353 FPS
2556 frames in 5.0 seconds = 511.178 FPS
2566 frames in 5.0 seconds = 513.170 FPS
2449 frames in 5.0 seconds = 489.745 FPS
XIO:  fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server
after 68674 requests (68671 known processed) with 0 events remaining.

kwin is running. in 11.1 I have 1500 fps it seems
thank you, all ppl great work even now :slight_smile:


-thanks for testing- but, 11.2 has not been released yet, and as such
problems, bugs, discussion and etc should be in the pre-release forum,


in the future, please post to there so all involved with the testing
can easily follow…


palladium wrote:

> -thanks for testing- but, 11.2 has not been released yet, and as such

thank you for your reaply. Of cource I understand that it still in develop,
no presure on devs :slight_smile:
I still could not know how to post bug reports or whatever.
did howto about opensuse bugreporting exists? preffered in russian (but also
ok in english)

> problems, bugs, discussion and etc should be in the pre-release forum

I missed this, sorry about, next time I will be more accurate with


> I missed this, sorry about, next time I will be more accurate with

no problem…the following cites should give you (or link to) all the
info you need on bug reporting, and etc:


in russian, i don’t know…your english sounds great, maybe you wanna
translate for others :wink:

