11.2 & OpenOffice 3.2

Elsewhere is my question about 11.3. I have had to abandon that and 11.3 as my RAM is too small. Now, for the first time in many years, I find it necessary to extract specific data from received .pdf files. According to OpenOffice, editing of these files is only possible from version 3.2.

My concern is whether this later vesion will be compatible with 11.2. OpenOffice installed is The same question has been directed to their Forum. :question:

OpenSUSE will test any software until it be stable before releasing it!

You can try install OpenOffice directly… download and install.

OpenOffice.org - The Free and Open Productivity Suite

Of course it’s compatible. I have used for a long time OpenOffice 3.2 in Opensuse 11.1 without any problem.
You can install Ooo 3.2 for opensuse 11.2 from this repo.

Here :


Thanks all!. Now I am much happier!

I was unable to install directly - received error message
OO-org-ure= needed by
Same duplicated for components, org-filters, icon-themes-lib-corr, libs-xtern, libs-gui, l10n-extras, branding and branding < 4.
So I wrote file to home, but now am unable to update with YaST.
Have tried procedures from OpenOrg without success. Get messages that commands are not known although thy are.
So now I am befuddled, bemused, confusd and know that I am a complete moron!

Please, post the result of

zypper lr -d

Gee, you guys are really on the ball!

ohn@linux-r2l7:~> zypper lr -d

| Alias | Name | Enabled | Refresh | Priority | Type | URI | Service

1 | repo-debug | openSUSE-11.2-Debug | No | Yes | 99 | NONE | Index of /debug/distribution/11.2/repo/oss |
2 | repo-non-oss | openSUSE-11.2-Non-Oss | Yes | Yes | 99 | yast2 | Index of /distribution/11.2/repo/non-oss |
3 | repo-oss | openSUSE-11.2-Oss | Yes | Yes | 99 | yast2 | Index of /distribution/11.2/repo/oss |
4 | repo-source | openSUSE-11.2-Source | No | Yes | 99 | NONE | Index of /source/distribution/11.2/repo/oss |
5 | repo-update | openSUSE-11.2-Update | Yes | Yes | 99 | rpm-md | Index of /update/11.2 |

This is what I would do:

  1. add as a new repo Index of /repositories/OpenOffice.org:/STABLE/openSUSE_11.2
  2. in yast install OpenOffice_org-3.2 It will resolve all the dependencies adding all the other packages related to this one. Anyway, you could add yourself OpenOffice_org-writer, calc, base, impress etc.

Good luck
If something goes wrong, post it.

I seem to be halfway there. Loaded all that appeared applicable, but Office, Presentation and Spreadsheet do not load - get a flash of the loading page and it’s gone. Address Book, Personal Organiser, Information Manager and Document Viewer load and OK.

I guess that I have the same problem experienced with 3.2; insufficient RAM. I must seeif I can get a card from a refurbisher, perhaps.

I’m not sure that I understand what you mean.
Did you manage to install OpenOffice and it doesn’t start? or rather you didn’t even manage to install it?
How did the steps on post #9 go?

Maybe you could tell us first how much RAM you have, and what makes you think it’s a RAM issue?
Have you tried to start OO.o apps from a less resource demanding desktop environment, i.e. LXDE, Enlightenment or the like?

AFAIK OO.o 3.2 does not consume much more RAM than the one you have installed.

I suspected RAM (256K installed) because of the warning given when installing, although system requirements published state 256K, 512K.
LXDE, Enlightenment are new to me; never tried.

Installation looks fine - software installation shows all required as far as I can see. Address, Organiser, Kontact and Okular start and work fine. It is only Writer, Calc and Impress that do not load; Selection panel flashes on briefly an is gone. In all first 38 applications loaded.

Thought that I had included list of installed. Here it is:

Status Package | Summary | Installed (Available) | Size

[Keep] OpenOffice_org | A Free Office Suite (Framework) | | 6.9 MiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-LanguageTool | Language Checker for OpenOffice.org | 1.0.0-3.4 | 2.4 MiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-LanguageTool-en | English Dictionary for OpenOffice.org… | 1.0.0-3.4 | 2.3 MiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-Quickstarter | OpenOffice.org Quickstarter | 1.0-723.1 | 534.0 KiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-base | OpenOffice.org Base | | 8.7 MiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-base-debuginfo | Debug information for package OpenOff… | | 67.0 MiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-branding-upstream | Original Branding for OpenOffice.org | | 632.0 KiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-calc | OpenOffice.org Calc | | 21.0 MiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-calc-extensions | OpenOffice.org Calc Extensions | | 183.0 KiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-components | OpenOffice.org Components | | 11.1 MiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-converter | Commandline Document Converter Using … | 3.0-6.2 | 11.0 KiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-draw | OpenOffice.org Draw | | 163.0 KiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-draw-extensions | OpenOffice.org Draw Extensions | | 3.3 MiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-filters | Import and Export Filters for OpenOff… | | 16.0 MiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-gnome | GNOME Extensions for OpenOffice.org | | 181.0 KiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-help-en-GB | British Help Localization for OpenOff… | | 20.0 MiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-help-en-ZA | South Africa English Help Localizatio… | | 19.6 MiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-hyphen | Hyphen Dictionaries for OpenOffice.org | 20080929-50.1 | 3.0 MiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-icon-theme-oxygen | Oxygen OpenOffice.org Icon Theme (KDE… | | 5.9 MiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-icon-themes | Icon Themes for OpenOffice.org | | 33.3 MiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-impress | OpenOffice.org Impress | | 9.7 MiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-impress-extensions | OpenOffice.org Impress Extensions | | 4.6 MiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-kde | KDE Extensions for OpenOffice.org | | 446.0 KiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-l10n-en-GB | British Localization Files for OpenOf… | | 5.6 MiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-l10n-en-ZA | South Africa English Localization Fil… | | 5.3 MiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-l10n-extras | OpenOffice.org Extras | | 15.5 MiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-libs-core | OpenOffice.org Core Libraries | | 52.8 MiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-libs-extern | OpenOffice.org External Libraries | | 9.0 MiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-libs-gui | OpenOffice.org GUI Libraries | | 38.1 MiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-mailmerge | Mail Merge Functionality for OpenOffi… | | 12.0 KiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-openclipart | Extra Galleries for OpenOffice.org | 3-5.4 | 4.0 MiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-pyuno | Python UNO Bridge for OpenOffice.org | | 236.0 KiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-templates-en | English Templates for OpenOffice.org | 3.0-8.1 | 3.6 MiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-templates-labels-a4 | A4 Size Label Templates for OpenOffic… | 1.0-12.1 | 216.0 KiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-templates-labels-letter | Letter Size Label Templates for OpenO… | 1.0-12.1 | 516.0 KiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-templates-presentation-layouts | Presentation Layout Templates for Ope… | 3.0-8.1 | 24.7 MiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-testtool | OpenOffice.org Test Tool | | 727.0 KiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-thesaurus-en-GB | British Thesaurus Dictionary for Open… | 20051128-22.1 | 13.7 MiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-thesaurus-en-US | American Thesaurus Dictionary for Ope… | 20060111-22.1 | 20.6 MiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-ure | OpenOffice.org UNO Runtime Environment | | 14.2 MiB
[Keep] OpenOffice_org-writer | OpenOffice.org Writer and Web | | 17.2 MiB
[Keep] koffice2-doc | Documentation of the KDE Office Suite | 2.0.2-4.3 | 29.0 MiB

Yes, installation looks fine.
Really I don’t know what else to do. Maybe more experienced users can help you.
If it’s a RAM issue, you can add an expansion card.
I’m sorry of not being able to help more.

My refurbisher scratched around and found an extra card - now I have 512KB. It seems that some link is missing between start of Office snd ffollowing setup steps.

That is vesion installed. For the first time i used command line to start and received: ‘/usr/lib/ooo3/program/soffice.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libicuuc.so.40: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory’ Erroneously searching through Office, I finally realised that it was a shared library. Using YaST I checked installed and found libicuuc.so.42. I presume that is the problem. How to overcome it leaves me lost - again!
The OpenOffice guys seem indifferent - never reply.

I have installed libicuuc.so.42 too. But my OpenOffice doesn’t complain about that.
I’m not sure, but it seems a problem of unmet dependencies. I would try in a root terminal:

zypper ve