11.2 Internet with GSM connection

HI All,

Ok I very very close to giving up…let me try to expalin in my best english, and most of you wont belive me…i myslef don belive it…first i am no linux guru…but i have my 16 or so server at work running Groupwise, squid, ifolder, Novel Access maanger etc…running my sled 11 up grade from 10.3 on my 1 office pc (with xp box running on Virtual box)…now on my laptop, had 2 partition sled 11, and then the one i tested opsensuse 11.2 rc1 and then later 11.2 full release…so that is th eback ground…

Now first i did the 64bit 11.2 on the small partition…conencted to internet with gsm (hauwei e220 , just fine…accecpt some time i would not get my dns servers…and have to reconenct…BUT i could for the live of me not get firefox to use java sun1.6xx , wht browser plguin i need for th enovell vpn solution (novell access maanger)…so i installed 32 bit…

And from here on my trouble started, tried 64bit even in the meantime again with same result…I Cannot get conenction to the internet via my gsm (huewei e 220)…i have re-installed a milion time i think, trying different option…no luck,…here is the funny thing typing THIS message i am on the latop booted with 11.2 live cd (kde)…and then it is working…going back to my suse11.2 install…nothing…

So what i could gather in the meantime…detection of usb hauwei e220 is fine most of the time anyway…and i setup with networkmanager connection still fine…i get an ip fine, and most of the time my dns servers as well, BUT still no intenrt connection, trying to do ping or traceroute it would only say : Connect: network not accessable…so i did some more digging…

doing a “ip route” i get only this …
linux@linux:~> ip route sh dev ppp0 proto kernel scope link src

On the currrent setup (live cd) i get this…

linux@linux:~> ip route sh dev ppp0 proto kernel scope link src
default via dev ppp0 proto static

SO the thing is then why in the world do i not get my default route for the ppp0 connection, on my installed suse???,it did work before without any funny business…what can i do …as i said i re-installed a million times already…

Please please help … for interest sake using umtsmon …it complain about ppp and the bit settings that dont match>.

Kind Regards,
Thys de Beer

I have the same problem with my wireless connection. It does not update the DNS entries and no default “route”.
The networkmanager shows the DNS server addresses (in the tooltiptext) but it is not updating the /etc/resolv.conf file.

HI,…did some more digging…if you have wireles issues with intertn there is a bug… https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=550907 and /08 what might help ouy…but me with gsm no luck because kmanager does not have the options they talk about for gsm connection, only wired and wireless…so i hope this helps you…

Thanks for the link, that solved my problem. In fact, I tried that myself earlier too but I did not re-login. It seems, networkmanager does not re-read settings unless reloaded.

I am sure that your problem is of similar nature but since you don’t have any options to change any stuff via NM, the only way, may be, is to use Yast instead of NM.