11.1 & KDE 4.3 one-click

Hi. I thought I’d dive in and start testing KDE 4.3 against my stock 11.1 x86_64 system. Unfortunately, I get an enormous list of dependency problems. libgps.so.17, libXdmcp.so.6, conflicting libsoprano4 versions, libqt 4.5.1, and a few others. I had good luck using the 1-click in the past so am guessing either that something is broken in the repositories ATM, or that the 64 bit builds aren’t being kept up-to-date.

Any ideas?

I did the same update myself today. The 1-click install is not as straight forward as in the past - so it is better to simply add the following repos to yast:-

Index of /repositories/KDE:/KDE4:/Factory:/Desktop/openSUSE_11.1


Index of /repositories/KDE:/Qt45/openSUSE_11.1

Then if you select kde4 base packages to update it will pull all the necessary updates for you.

You need to include the 11.1 oss repo too (this has libgps).

KDE:Qt45 contains unreleased development snapshots and shouldn’t be used by anyone (and is not required when using Factory:Desktop).

Just use KDE:Qt! :wink:

this is the beta section of the forum and the qt4.5 repo works fine!

I tried all the suggestions, but still wind up with an enormous (750 lines!) conflict list. Here are a few selected conflicts:

kde4-kget-4.2.88svn973768-81.1.x86_64 requires libplasma.so.3()(64bit), but this requirement cannot be provided
uninstallable providers: libkde4-4.2.88svn973768-135.1.x86_64[KDE:KDE4:Factory:Desktop]
] Following actions will be done:
install libkde4-4.2.88svn973768-135.1.x86_64 (with vendor change)

openSUSE Build Service
install kde4-kcolorchooser-4.2.88svn973768-98.1.x86_64 (with vendor change)

openSUSE Build Service
install PolicyKit-kde-0.2-20.95.x86_64 (with vendor change)

openSUSE Build Service
install libical0-0.43-2.5.x86_64 (with vendor change)

openSUSE Build Service
] do not install kde4-kget-4.2.88svn973768-81.1.x86_64

 ] Ignore some dependencies of kde4-kget

kde4-korganizer-4.1.3-3.14.9.x86_64 requires kdepimlibs4 < 4.1.60, but this requirement cannot be provided
uninstallable providers: kdepimlibs4-4.1.3-5.1.x86_64[openSUSE 11.1-0]
] Following actions will be done:
install kdeartwork4-screensaver-4.2.88svn973768-39.1.x86_64 (with vendor change)

openSUSE Build Service
install libical0-0.43-2.5.x86_64 (with vendor change)

openSUSE Build Service
install kde4-kcolorchooser-4.2.88svn973768-98.1.x86_64 (with vendor change)

openSUSE Build Service
install PolicyKit-kde-0.2-20.95.x86_64 (with vendor change)

openSUSE Build Service
] Ignore some dependencies of kde4-korganizer

kdebase4-workspace-4.1.3-10.3.7.x86_64 requires kdebase4-workspace-ksysguardd = 4.1.3, but this requirement cannot be provided
uninstallable providers: kdebase4-workspace-ksysguardd-4.1.3-10.1.x86_64[openSUSE 11.1-0]
] deinstallation of compiz-kde4-0.7.8-9.1.x86_64

 ] do not install kdebase4-workspace-ksysguardd-4.2.88svn973768-267.2.x86_64

 ] Ignore some dependencies of kdebase4-workspace

The 1-click for KDE4.3 is deplorable if you want to try out 4.3 use the repos.
A quick hint here when the Yast stuff comes up don’t hit Ignore.
One more as you read through the dependency stuff where it says install 4.2.88 click that,where it says deinstall anything 4.1.3 or 4.2.3 click that.

Anyone tried the released version of KDE 4.3 (I know it’s too soon but let’s see if there are any impatient KDE funs like me)? any way to do it easily and fast? any problems?

Follow this guide. If you tried a Oneclick you may have some repo management to do
KDE4.3.* Upgrade - HowTo - openSUSE Forums

*Please observe the priority settings for the repo’s

Thanks for this. I’ll keep it in mind but… I actually “chicken” the possibility of screwing my newly established 3D desktop (1 month to put it all together). I would like to see other cheering first. I’m not exactly a newby but I’m not an experienced linux user either. So, anyone tried it? anything unusual? things we need to take care before we start? Things that won’t work right out of the install? How about mobile internet with the network manager, everything works?

As I said, I’m chickening the transition (though I am very intrigued)

It is true that using Factory is probably best only if you understand that it MIGHT NOT work at some point!
Most of us get round that by having another desktop installed alongside. Myself I have kde3 Stable and kde4 Factory. I only really use kde4.
Personally I find kde4.3 very stable. I had held back for a long time with adding the kde4 network manager, but just switched to it tonight. It works just fine. There had been some issues with it for some.
I’m fortunate that my laptop hardware actually works better in Linux than it ever did in Vista.

I finally did it. The referred post is a bit intimidating with the references to past posts and repository updates but… in the end it’s not so complicated. Yast seems to work out the fact that some packages need removal. What I suggest is to use the repository updates and look for the Blue marked updates even after the KDE desktop and KDE 4 repository updates.

My impression now from KDE 4.3: Not really the Wow I expected to! The compositing is quite faster than compiz’s but I don’t see the remarkable improvements I expected. I have read the KDE’s own claims and I have to admit I haven’t seen all these new features yet. I’ll keep looking.

Has anyone seen the KDEbindings4 rpm in the repositories? I don’t see it in Index of /repositories/KDE:/KDE4:/Factory:/Desktop/openSUSE_11.1/x86_64 (yes the 64 bit). The strange part is that the debug and source rpms are there!?:\

I avoided caf’s instructions to upgrade because of all the downgrades listed in yast. However, a zypper up killed plasma for me and nothing I tried fixed it.

So, confronted with no desktop or a scary update, I used the “filter by repo” update. Lot’s of apps were downgraded or removed, but it ended up with a nice desktop that seems a bit faster. :slight_smile:

Not quite sure why you had so many downgrades. What were you running before?
But downgrade is not necessarily bad so long as you don’t mean to anything 4.1.3 - and look out for more package changes and package movement (recently k3b for kde4 will now conflict with the version from Packman, also kaffeine)