1024 end bios

Hi all,

I’m currently trying to install opensuse 11 from live cd. I’ve told the installer to set up the linux partitions as instructed in the faq, and am all good to go, but Yast has just told me that my opensuse installation will not be bootable with these settings. I have windows xp installed on a partition which is located on the first half of my hard drive, ending at cylinder 9728. According to Yast, my BIOS can’t boot from partitions beyond 1024.

What’s the easiest way around this? I haven’t run the opensuse installation partitioner yet and I only have xp (no personal files) installed on the windows partition. Could I resize the windows (NTFS) partition (if so, how?) or is there some way of reconfiguring how the system boots so that I can keep the partitioning as it is, but still be able to boot linux?

A quick response would be fantastic!


Winxp expects to be the 1st OS on the 1st partition on the 1st disk.

I like to use Parted Magic LiveCD (PartedMagic - Parted Magic - Downloads) to shrink my partitions and to do the general partition setup & format. Then when I install, I use those partitions, swap, root “/” and /home. SuSE won’t select them as it’s looking for unallocated space (or may guess wrong); I have to use the partitioning section and tell it what to use.

Tell the bootloader to install to the MBR and you shouldn’t have any boot problem. (if you wish to go back to winxp only, boot with winxp Cd > repair > “fixmbr”)

Any other issues get back and someone will try to help:)