1-click-install from terminal/konsole???

I want to install a software from 1-Click-Install 'cause my nVidia driver’s arent working right now(Stupid 180.29) but I can’t find a way to install it from the console. I know that I can use yast but the drivers don’t work with it. HOw do I install from 1-click-install from the terminal???

I think you may be out of luck,unless you have a browser which works in a console,e.g.Lynx.Best thing to do is,either download the rpm’s & install from console,or download the .run file & install from a console.If you are using 11.1 get your rpm’s here ftp://download.nvidia.com/opensuse/11.1/ if using 11.0 get them here ftp://download.nvidia.com/opensuse/11.0 for the run file click here Unix Drivers Portal Page



forbore wrote:
> I want to install a software from 1-Click-Install 'cause my nVidia
> driver’s arent working right now(Stupid 180.29) but I can’t find a way
> to install it from the console. I know that I can use yast but the
> drivers don’t work with it. HOw do I install from 1-click-install from
> the terminal???


Kind regards,
Andreas Stieger

Andreas Stieger wrote:
> Hi,
> forbore wrote:
>> I want to install a software from 1-Click-Install 'cause my nVidia
>> driver’s arent working right now(Stupid 180.29) but I can’t find a way
>> to install it from the console. I know that I can use yast but the
>> drivers don’t work with it. HOw do I install from 1-click-install from
>> the terminal???
> Kind regards,
> Andreas Stieger


http://dev.compiz-fusion.org/~cyberorg/2008/06/ says:

commandline friendly

su -c “OCICLI http://opensuse-community.org/nvidia.ymp
------end quote--------

never tried it myself…
