NVIDIA dual screens not working as expected


I just added a NVIDIA NVS300 to my machine (with two monitors now, both acer al1912), reinstalled 13.1 64 bit, added nvidia repositories, updated and ran nvidia-xconfig and got my two screens … however they do not have the same resolution. The first one has 1280x1024 (as expected) and the second one has 640x480 :’( (expected also 1280x1024)
I hoped to fix this with nvidia-settings … but both monitors use the highest resolution available within nvidia-settings.

The machine is dual-boot with windows 7. In windows 7 I was able to set the resolution of the second monitor to 1280x1014 (using the “windows” nvidia-settings tool), therefore I concluded that the hardware is capable of giving me the expected result :slight_smile:

I just can’t get this (dual screens both on 1280x1024) to work on linux, any suggestions??

Hmmm Maybe the second monitor is not registering and default resolution is used.?? You can set the resolutions for either or both monitors in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf or the /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d files. You will have to calculate the modline for the monitor.

Also You did not mention which desktop. Did you try making adjustments there?

Since it worked under windows I assumed that the hardware was not faulty … WRONG!!
In the xorg log I found that one EDID could not be read. Switched monitors → problem moved, thus monitor defect or cable defect. Switched cable → problem moved.
Replaced the cable with a new one … problem solved!!!

To all: thanks for your feedback!!!