Install software

When I click on an rpm on a website the normal behaviour used to be that a dialogue would appear asking:
Do you want to install this file.
You could click -install- or -close-

If you chose install then installation went ahead after a dialogue box asked you to authorise by inputting a password.

What has been happening recently is if you select install you then get the error:
Authorisation failed… You have failed to provide correct authentication. Please check any passwords or account settings.
If you select -more details- then it just says Authentication failed.

Once you press close on this error notice you then get another notice:
The action could not be completed: The request failed: more details are available in the detailed report. When you go to the detailed report it says:
Failed to install file: Failed to obtain authentication.

All this happens without once offering up an input for entering a password. I have checked that one is not getting stuck under other windows or something.

Not very helpful and no pointer to how you might correct the problem. I have looked all over the system through yast and cli but cannot determine what has gone wrong.
I have searched forums and on google but there is no straight-forward mention of this and in any case the suggestions have not been relevant.
This has become very annoying as installing something with 1-click works and asks and gets authentication but it seems this works with another installer and not software installer.

Can anybody please help me here.
I Use:
Acer Aspire 5600 Centrino Duo Laptop
2GB Ram
openSUSE 11.3 Education


Open a terminal and install a rpm

# zypper install <Rpm package>

Thanks… This is an option but does nothing towards resolving my problem or understanding it. If authentication is failing then it may affect other things and I would like to resolve it. Not sure if -zypper in <package>- resolves dependancies also.


What rpm programmes did you try to install and did nothing?

When I click on an rpm on a website the normal behaviour used to be that a dialogue would appear asking:
Do you want to install this file.
You could click -install- or -close-

If you chose install then installation went ahead after a dialogue box asked you to authorise by inputting a password.

Typically, we don’t normally install software this way in openSUSE except in special circumstances.
We have no idea what you have installed or where from.

I want the webpage who you install this software.

When I click on an rpm on a website the normal behaviour used to be that a dialogue would appear asking:
Do you want to install this file.
You could click -install- or -close-

If you chose install then installation went ahead after a dialogue box asked you to authorise by inputting a password.

Typically, we don’t normally install software this way in openSUSE except in special circumstances.
We have no idea what you have installed or where from.

I want to see the output of download with zypper.

It could be anything. Supertuxkart or Multiplication station. I have attached some screenshots below:

Sorry I just realised I am not allowed to post attachments.

AAAhh,so it is a game. I do not play games only programming with opensuse.

This site for example?
Index of /repositories/Education/openSUSE_11.3/i586

That is my point. There is no dialogue box asking for a password… Just the error that a password has not been entered.

Why not use this repo
Index of /repositories/games/openSUSE_11.3

You should add that repo to your list
And use software management

Why should it matter what it is? It will happen even if it is an IDE for programming. Is my kid not valued by SUSE?


Open a terminal and write this

# zypper addrepo -f

Or do as Mr caf4926 said.

No that is not correct

zypper ar -f games
zypper ref

(a) to accept always


Ok sorry wrong repository.

Not necessarily
You needed to go up a level to omit the /i586/

Education and Games have some duplications

Games for me is C++ and python.

In the end that is how I did it earlier on today. But my point is something is broken and I don’t like to think my only option is to ignore the problem.

There should be a dialogue that says something like
system policy prevents modification of system settings and offers you to add password

Please just clarify

Are you telling us that the admin password is not working for you? That it fails to authenticate when entered?

No I am telling you that the admin password is working but not as I describe when it opensuse 11.3 should open dialogue box for entry of that admin password but it is not doing so.