Printer Samsung CLP-310

Sure, thanks for the info. Infact also the ML-2010R worked out of the box with foomatic driver. But the newer a Samsung Printer is, the worse is the situation. And the proprietary driver has unfortunately the problems described. So I think good to know.

The straight printers are fine in linux. It’s the multifunnction printers that are the problem.
I don’t know why manufacturers can’t all be like hp and standardise on a printing protocol for all their printer models. (Most hps will use pcl quite happily.)


Linux Unified Driver (Driver) (ver.3.00.65)
Linux Smart Panel (Driver) (ver.2.00.57)
Linux Printer setting Utility (Driver) (ver.2.00.23)

Mac OS 10.3 ~ 10.6 Print Driver (Driver) (ver.2.00)
Mac OS 10.3 ~ 10.6 Smart Panel (Driver) (ver.2.02.02)

Win 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/Win 7(32,64bit)Universal Print Driver (Driver)
Win 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/Win 7(32,64bit) Print Driver (Driver)
Win 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/Win 7(32,64bit) Print Driver,Mono (Add printer) (Driver)

Welcome to the Opensuse forum sbevan. Thank you for your interest. Eventually, if you note the thread is slightly outdated. Sometimes it can be convenient to open a new one in case you feel it is of interest. Please do not forget in this case to choose a meaningful title, the response and/or the impact will me much greater.
Have a nice time here.

Hello sbevan!

Yes there is Software from Samsung:
Printer > Color Laser Printer > CLP310
Thanks for submitting that hint even if the original poster may not be interested/present any longer cause he asked in April of 2010.
But maybe it will help later users.

And the file UnifiedLinuxDriver_1.00.tar.gz you can download there via javascript seems to be from “Fri 06 Nov 2009 06:16:01 CET” and /cdroot/Linux/Installer.htm says it needs the ‘usual suspects’:


Unified Linux Driver package depends on printer and scanner services provided by Common Unix Printing System (CUPS - CUPS) and Scanner Access Now Easy (SANE - SANE - Scanner Access Now Easy) system packages. These components are mutually necessary for the drivers to work properly. In addition, Ghostscript application (Ghostscript: Ghostscript) is required for correct functioning of the printer drivers.

Installer tries to detect if the components are installed and have proper versions. In case necessary component is not installed, it is recommended to interrupt the installation by clicking Cancel button and to install the component from the Linux distribution disk, Web site of the Linux vendor or Web site of the vendor of missing environment component (see references above).
There is possibility to ignore absence of an environment component. In such a case press Skip All button to proceed to further installation stage. If environment components are skipped, please, do not forget to install them before usage of the Unified Linux Driver.
In any case CUPS must be installed before Unified Linux Driver, or printing will not be available. If you did installation without CUPS and would like to install CUPS later, you should uninstall Unified Linux Driver, install CUPS and then install Unified Linux Driver again.

Note. If printer or MFP device is connected to parallel port, the device should be switched on before Linux boot to be identified by Installer. …]

Have you tested that (tar-ball?) driver from Samsung? If so on what system (openSUSE 11.3? 32bit? GNOME? Hardware?).

Had you also the problems the other users are complaining about?

Have a lot of fun!

I’d like to revive this thread regarding the smartpanel cr#ppy monitor applet…

I’ve just bought a ML 1665 monochrome laserjet for home use because of the dirty-cheap price (about US$ 120,00 in the mall, less than that at virtual stores) and because says it’s fully supported in linux with the proprietary unified driver from samsung.

Well, it is. The driver works ok, all options shown in the windows user manual are actually configurable in linux (contrary to an HP P1005 I have in the office), and the driver worked both in oS 11.0 32 bits and 11.3 64 bits.

The problem is the so called “smartpanel” app, which you can optionally install (thankfully it’s a separate install, so you can just ignore it). It still has stupid security issues (see here), start at every KDE login asking for unnecessary root password (!) and won’t go away even if removed from KDE autostart.

It does three things:

  1. notify on job status (started printing, printing finished, errors, etc).
  2. Monitor toner level (apparently, I haven’t used the printer enough to see the bar level decrease).
  3. Offer a big “BUY NOW” button, which I assume refer to supplies.

It also has a real ugly qt3 interface and systray icon (but that’s not that important).

So I can remove it, but the toner level meter and the notifications are useful - I can rely on the printer’s warning lights, but that’s a bit too binary for me.

Anyway, to keep it installed but not running I had to delete /usr/share/autostart/smartpanel.desktop

After a reboot it has not loaded - yet…

Did you try the suggestion of changing the folder permissions suggested in the thread you quoted? (Samsung Smart Panel Application asks for root password)

In addition, by default the installer will create the /opt/Samsung/… directories with world-write access, another security risk; you can solve this by a “find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} ;” in the “cdroot” folder before installing to reset folder permissions.

Note that the thread I quoted is quite old. It wasn’t necessary as they where already 755. This at least was corrected by samsung.

FWIW, in 11.0 it’s ~/.config/autostart/smartpanel.desktop

And ALSO /opt/kde3/share/autostart/smartpanel.desktop

This thing is starting to p*ss me off.

Ah, thanks to this post I just found out it’s not necessary to install the intrusive samsung driver package, just transfer the rastertosamsung executables and ppd file to the appropriate cups directories. Yast recognized it instantly, no hassles.

Just for the record, in openSUSE 11.4 64 bits the transferred files are:

:/usr/lib/cups/filter> ls -l rastertosamsung*                                                             
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  52824 Set  4  2009 rastertosamsunginkjet                                                           
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  32752 Set  4  2009 rastertosamsungpcl                                                              
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  56720 Set  4  2009 rastertosamsungspl                                                              
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 147504 Set  4  2009 rastertosamsungsplc 

Note this files come from the appropriate 32 or 64 bit directory of the driver files.


:/usr/share/cups/model/manufacturer-PPDs/samsung> ls -l ML*                                                
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 41678 Nov  2  2009 ML-1660spl.ppd

For the sake of standardization I created the samsung directory under …/manufacturer-PPDs/, so Yast printer module would find it automatically, but the ppd file could be anywhere, and just pointed at during printer configuration in Yast.

I’m considering installing the Smartpanel monitor “utility”, but disabling it’s various start links, so I can check toner level periodically.

Since this thread was started, several of the Samsung printers have been added to the openprinting database.
You can install the package openprinting-splix and it will add all the support for you.
On 11.3, my Samsung scx-4200, both the printer and scanner options are recognised automatically.

(This still doesn’t mean I like Samsung printers though)

Nice, good to know. Does it report toner level or we still need the Dumbpanel - oh, sorry, Smartpanel? :slight_smile:

It seems that openprinting-splix doesn’t include support for ML-1660 yet.

That’s the reason I won’t buy from vendors that don’t support Linux. You will either have to wait for splix to support it or rely on Samsung (Samsung’s policy is they don’t support Linux).
I’m not using suse at the moment, but Scientific Linux print manager says ink/toner levels not supported/available.
As an aside, I bought an hp business inkjet 3000 and an hp2430 laser cheaply - each for less than the new cost of the scx4200. They both have network cards and allow control from any computer on the network. … And with the higher business duty cycle, will outlast the Samsung.

What are their linux drivers then???
And hey, I could even install the basic cups functionality without installing their full driver, as posted above.
OK, they don’t open their code - same as nvidia, ATI and a bunch of other linux-friendly companies. If you want a company that won’t support linux, try Pinnacle, or MS… :slight_smile:

If you call Samsung for Linux support for your printer, you will be told they don’t support Linux and are only doing you a 'favour ’ supplying drivers.
Unlike nvidia, ATI that actively develop for windows, Samsung do it as an aside and with no guarantee they will work in the next version of your distro.

There are also security issues in the Samsung drivers - try installing and running them in an SELinux environment like Fedora.


I see that you have a CLP-325. I have the same printer. I could not install it on my Laptop running desktop 11.3.
Have download the Linux driver from Samsung
Have run “sh ./autorun” from /tmp/cdroot
and get :

lx:/tmp/cdroot # ls
Linux  autorun

lx:/tmp/cdroot # sh ./autorun
WARNING: installation model undefined
****  It seems Qt library is not installed, or X display is not accessible.
****  Custom Qt library will be configured for use with this package.
GUI mode installer not found, proceeding in text mode
****  Running text mode install
****  Press Enter to continue or q and then Enter to quit:   <<Enter>>

**** Non-priviliged users found:
nobody uuuuu vvvvvvvvvv
****  Are you going to use USB-connected devices ?
****  If yes, users allowed to scan or manage printers should be added to lp
****  group. The list of non-privileged users proposed for addition is shown above.
****  Press y and then Enter to add users or Enter to leave lp group intact:    <<Enter>>


And nothing happens.
How did you install it.

I would suppose that you are trying to use an older QT version than the one needed or that you did not install QT at all (in this case maybe you are running gnome desktop).
First thing, please make sure that qt is installed. To see this open a terminal and emit:


A window opens. look above the little help in the menu. There you read: about qt.
If qt does not open you will have to install it. You will also have to install the corresponding devel version of qt toghether with the respective package. You do this in yast.
I do not think you need to do the add of group “user” to “lp”. Just set the printer in yast once it is installed.
***Last and not least: did you check to set up your printer in yast, now that the script did run without error? ***if the printer driver was added, you should find now your printer in yast as available choice.