Gnome 3 & 11.4 Known Issues & Workarounds

What is the command which opens the gnome appearance window ?

I opened terminal & typed gnome- then tab, but can’t seem to find it.

I need to install some themes.


Thank you very much - also worked for me :wink:

Okay…Regarding the appearance window, I went to the Gnome IRC.

They told me to install gnome-tweak-tool.

sudo zypper install  gnome-tweak-tool

Installation is done. Presently working on it.

Yesterday evening I had the same problem and fixed almost the way you have suggested except that in my case I Did it this way:

zypper mr -p 98 GNOME:STABLE:3.0
zypper dup
Notice the difference between colons and underscore (which was my case).
Don’t askme why but that’s what “zyyper” shows me.

cacho@linux-x7rk:~> zypper lr -d
#  | Alias                                     | Nombre                                    | Activado | Actualizar | Prioridad | Tipo   | URI                                                                         | Servicio
 1 | Actualizaciones-para-openSUSE-11.4-11.4-0 | Actualizaciones para openSUSE 11.4 11.4-0 | Si       | Si         |   99      | rpm-md |                                   |         
 2 | GNOME:STABLE:3.0                          | GNOME:STABLE:3.0                          | Si       | Si         |   98      | rpm-md | |         
 3 | Packman Repository                        | Packman Repository                        | Si       | Si         |   99      | rpm-md |                                 |         
 4 | libdvdcss repository                      | libdvdcss repository                      | Si       | Si         |   99      | rpm-md |                                        |         
 5 | nvidia                                    | nvidia                                    | Si       | Si         |   99      | rpm-md |                                    |         
 6 | openSUSE-11.4-11.4-0                      | openSUSE-11.4-11.4-0                      | Si       | No         |   99      | yast2  | cd:///?devices=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-TSSTcorp_CDDVDW_SH-S202J,/dev/sr0        |         
 7 | repo-debug                                | openSUSE-11.4-Debug                       | No       | Si         |   99      | NONE   |              |         
 8 | repo-debug-update                         | openSUSE-11.4-Update-Debug                | No       | Si         |   99      | NONE   |                             |         
 9 | repo-non-oss                              | openSUSE-11.4-Non-Oss                     | Si       | Si         |   99      | yast2  |                |         
10 | repo-oss                                  | openSUSE-11.4-Oss                         | Si       | Si         |   99      | yast2  |                    |         
11 | repo-source                               | openSUSE-11.4-Source                      | No       | Si         |   99      | NONE   |             |         

Kind Regards


well so far it is fine,no major problems :slight_smile:
Yast available after using above solution
Did not find find weather panel applets ,hence installed opera weather widget(looks cool on gnome 3)
Restored maximize and minimize button using Tweak Tool
Can anyone tell me as to how to add a install menu(should open Yast Installer)?

There are only a few themes for Gnome 3, or your talking about icons, fonts etc… then just press alt+F2 and then enter gnome-tweak-tool.

If you follow some of the blogs about manually adding then it can break things so suggest you backup before making changes.

Same deal using alacarte, except add;

Command: /usr/bin/xdg-su -c /sbin/yast2 sw_single&

The icon is yast-sw_single.png. If you open a terminal and run yast -l it lists all the YaST modules.

Okay, but do they mean by this then ?

The window manager in GNOME 3 is almost entirely feature compatible with the GNOME 2 window manager. While we plan to ship a much improved theme with GNOME 3 there is no active effort to prevent using existing GNOME 2 themes.

Source :GNOME3Myths - GNOME Live!

Use the Gnome tweak tool to add the icons etc. As in Gnome 3.0 themes, like these ones #GNOME-Shell on deviantART](

There is a tool, gnome-shell-extensions which adds the ‘theme’ feature (and others) built for Factory; Search Results
GnomeShell/Extensions - GNOME Live!

Installed the package gnome-shell-extensions.

But when I open gnome-tweak-tool it says “User theme extension not enabled”.

I checked the command line option for gnome-tweak-tool

They look like this

user0@linux-so4e:~> gnome-shell-extension-tool --help
Usage: gnome-shell-extension-tool [options]

  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  --create-extension  Create a new GNOME Shell extension

How to enable user theme extension ?

Sorry missed GnomeShell/Extensions - GNOME Live!

This is deep !!!::open_mouth:

I will wait until it becomes available for human beings.

I really like Gnome 3.0. Gnome 3.0 tweak does not have that much that you can do, IMO. I got it and the only thing I wanted to change was add the date to the day /time. :slight_smile: I had YaST checked under pref. / syst. but could not see it. I added a launcher for it. I think the gnome folks and the openSUSE group who worked to put this together really deserve a round of applause. They have really done an outstanding job!

It is, press alt+F2 and enter lg then press enter. Your now in Looking Glass, of to the top right is ‘extensions’ to get out of looking glass, you need to be back at ‘Evaluator’ and press the esc key.

Also you can restart the shell if you have made changes and don’t need to logout/login and have to reopen all those running applications… press alt+F2 enter r and press enter…very kewl!

OK, so it looks like (if you look in lg and errors tab) it’s not compatible. Might have to download the latest git version and build on OBS… won’t be till later if I do.

Now, here it says


Backup your ~/gnome-shell/source/gnome-shell/data/theme directory (or where ever you have GNOME shell set-up, jhbuild is that by default). If your distribution packages the very latest GNOME Shell, then it’s most likely installed in /usr/share/gnome-shell

Extract the zip file and copy the theme directory to ~/gnome-shell**/source/gnome-shell/data/**

Restart GNOME Shell by Alt, F2, then type r and press enter.

I checked my home directory, there’s no such folder there.

Then as suggested went to /usr/share/gnome-shell.

But there’s no such folder as source.

So I did

gnomesu nautilus

Then created /source/gnome-shell/data/ and copied the extracted theme folder there.

But when I opene gnome tweak tool, I can’t find the theme listed there.

What went wrong ?

On openSUSE it’s ~/.local/share/gnome-shell

admin@linux-ur8q:~> /usr/bin/xdg-su -c /sbin/yast2 sw_single&
[2] 6384
admin@linux-ur8q:~> xdg-su: unexpected argument 'sw_single'
Try 'xdg-su --help' for more information.

/usr/bin/xdg-su -c /sbin/yast2 sw_single& did not work :frowning:

Found after some time and playing that “gnomesu /sbin/yast2 sw_single” works.

Found ~/.local/share/gnome-shell.

There’s only two items there, a file named “application_state” & a folder named extensions.

Therefore I tried the same thing again, created /source/gnome-shell/data/ and copied the extracted theme folder there.

Then r to restart.

Still cant find the theme listed in gnome-tweak-tool.

User Theme Extension not enabled.

I think I am loosing it :shame:

I need a vacation !!!

Add the ampersand so it forks (detaches) into the background;

/usr/bin/xdg-su -c '/sbin/yast2 sw_single'&