Distrobox exported running app icon not showing

I reported this to [Error] Exported running app icon not showing correctly · Issue #1306 · 89luca89/distrobox · GitHub and will report to Gnome as well, but Gnome suggests reaching out to distribution channels first so here goes.

On Aeon after the upgrade to Gnome 46, exported apps when running do not show the proper icon, rather they show as the generic placeholder. In the app grid or pinned to dash the correct icon is displayed. But when the app is running it does not mark the pinned icon but a separate generic icon in the tray.

Anyone else seeing this after 46 upgrade?

Here is shot of VSCode from Tumbleweed distrobox running:

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Are you using X11 or Wayland?

I’m using Wayland. Here is the Gnome bug report.

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The solution by the Gnome team is to rename all the existing distrobox hostnames to match the host :man_shrugging:

That would cause more confusion than the initial problem of generic icons :face_with_spiral_eyes:

WM_CLIENT_HOST is X11 WM property, it does not exist on Wayland. So you are apparently using X11 applications under Xwayland.

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I guess it was a trick question then, as it seems I am using “both”, or neither and rather this other third thing haha.

Or maybe I am using Wayland, but my applications have other plans.

Solution is described here
and here.

You must set the container/distrobox hostname the same as the host’s hostname.

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