My opensuse version is: “openSUSE Tumbleweed (20160626) (x86_64)” (new install from today)
The graphical update utility accessible through control center does not give me updates although they are
disponible by zypper update.
Why is this?
What is the method to get access to updates without doing is through zypper?
Welcome to openSUSE Forums Joel. Using ‘zypper dup’ provides is the easiest way to keep your rolling release distro up to date. You could use the ‘YaST Software Management’ utility but it is not straightforward exercise, because of the way packages can change.
And as you prefered to go for using the rolling release Tumbleweed instead of the stable release Leap 42.1, my advice would be that you then need some more understanding about basic zypper actions. So be prepaired to step on the steep learning curve