Hi all,
often when updating Tumbleweed I get a message from zypper like this:
Problem: problem with installed package libavcodec58_91-4.3.2-4.3.x86_64
Solution 1: install libavcodec58_91-4.3.2-1.1.x86_64 (with vendor change)
http://packman.links2linux.de --> openSUSE
Solution 2: keep obsolete libavcodec58_91-4.3.2-4.3.x86_64
**Choose from above solutions by number or skip, retry or cancel [1/2/s/r/c/d/?] (c):**
As you can see the “obsolete” package has a higher release number, so why does zypper thinks it is obsolete?
It happens to me quite often with the packman repo, but I do not understand why. Dont know if it is relevant, but packman has a higher priority here: 98.
I have seen a few threads here on the forum with similar questions, but have been unable to find a definitive answer.
Is it a bug in zypper?
It seems like packman hasn’t updated yet. For now just choose the “keep obsolete” option (note that it’s a fairly long list right now and it isn’t always the same option number). If you go for the vendor change or break options, you may find that some things won’t work, CNN video’s for instance.
Thank you doscott, that’s exactly what I did (now and in the past, as packman is somewhat slower than the official repos).
My question BTW is this: given that the packman release (even now) has a higher release number, why on earth zypper thinks it is obsolete?
Packman currently features libavcodec58_134-4.4-4.1 and libavcodec58_91-4.3.2-4.3 (no more in that repository) looks “obsolete”.
But libavcodec58_91-4.3.2-1.1 is still “current” in the OSS repo, so it is considered a suitable alternative to provide some capability and not “obsolete” despite the lower release number.
Please remember that zypper provides “vendor stickiness” so versions from different vendors are not directly compared.