
Hi All,

After upgrade my Opensuse 42.3, an error occurred in zypper:

zypper: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/libproxy.so.1: undefined symbol: _ZN9libmodman14module_manager8load_dirENSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEb

And also I had a notification as “The packagekit daemon has crashed”

May I know how to sort out this?

Thank you in advance

Maybe use the DVD installer to upgrade the current system to 15.0.

Yes, I realize that you already upgraded. But it seems that something went wrong with zypper and related functions. So using the DVD installer for an upgrade should be using a working zypper.

Mixing incompatible repositories?


I have tried this. It got crashed.

I saw this post before I posted the question here. I tried all those things from the link. But no use.

If a LEAP 15 DVD won’t work, maybe a LEAP 42.3 DVD.
Whichever you use, an “upgrade” should re-install that version of openSUSE which should repair your system, even if using very old packages.
After a successful repair, you can then update to bring your system up to date.

And, if you say you “crashed,” if there is a better description like if an error displayed or what your upgrade might have last tried to do (even taking a camera picture of your screen if necessary), or if your system froze might be helpful