zypper stopped with checksums changes

Hi :wink:
I usually install or upgrade using Ctrl + alt + F1 console in init3 mode.
Despite this and while using # zypper re && zypper up i notice that often times upgrade is stopped when checksums are changed.
Last day 250 packages could not be upgraded because of maybe 5 packages with changed checksums. Sometimes clearing zypper cache with zypper cc does the trick but not all the time it works,
I had to force install manually to be able to upgrade.

Is it possible that upgrade is not impeded by such changes ?
If not is it at least possible to have a list of changed checksum packages to be able to remove them or install them manually more easily ?
Thanks :wink:

I’ve never seen this using yast’s software manager. Next time it happens you could try aborting the installation and try from yast, maybe it has some way to deal with it apart from zypper?