Hello all. Ok so I’m am very far from being totally competent with Linux. However, I’ve installed it numerous times on probably at least ten different computers by now. This has never happened, so hopefully someone else has encountered this!
I installed slowroll on a 2010 MacBook Pro. Opensuse is so amazing on older hardware. It runs awesome and snappy on my 2009 iMac, when literally no other Linux would even properly install. And on this laptop it outruns Linux Lite with ease. However, zypper fights me at every turn. I’m trying to install Broadcom-sta drivers. It says it can’t because packagekit is running. So I found the PID and killed it. Now it says it can’t install anything due to ruby. On a side note, it can’t find neofetch at all.
The WiFi is painfully slow on this unit and I’m optimistic that the drivers will help. Maybe I’m wrong on that as well. But when I install Broadcom-wl the computer doesn’t see the WiFi at all.
Oh, crap. My Ethernet was still plugged in. Yeah it did not work, unfortunately. It’s an old card but it’s still way slower than it should be. Like dial-up, lol.
Those commands were to provide information so that people can get a better understanding about your system with respect to your problem. They are not used to “repair” anything. Thus saying that they “worked” can’t be true.
The meaning of the given commands is that you execute (“as root”) in a terminal emulator and then copy paste all (prompt/command, output, next prompt) between the two lines with ``` you get in a post by clicking on the </> button in the toolbar of the post editor. People will normally not post further advise until you did so.