Zypper installing bad kenrel modules

I have a Thinkpad W540 that I have very purposefully modified to use the quadro k2100m as the main graphics device via xorg configuration, sddm configuration, and nvidia prime.

I am currently experiencing an issue in which zypper automatically installs bbswitch which ruins my setup by disabling my nvidia graphics card at boot.

My question is as follows: Why is zypper trying to install bbswitch when I have purposefully removed it so many times?

Probably because it is a recommended package or part of a Pattern.

You can block it from being installed again automatic.

YaST : Software > Software Managment. Search for the package, at right Right-Click on the package and select Taboo - do not install from the context menu.

Have you locked the package, so that zypper won’t attempt to install? (zypper al package-name)

Thank you for both of these suggestions!
Is setting the package as taboo in Yast the same as adding a package lock in zypper?

Two User Interfaces to the same function.

And of course you read

man zypper

to understand what it does.