Hallo alle!
Ich benutze hier openSUSE 13.2, upgrade von 13.1 am 13.Januar.
Vorhin wollte ich ein update per zypper up machen. Seltsamerweise findet zypper die gerade frisch heruntergeladene Datei nicht.
balu:~ # zypper up
PackageKit is blocking zypper. This happens if you have an updater applet or other software management application using PackageKit running.
Tell PackageKit to quit? [yes/no] (no): yes
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
The following 122 package updates will NOT be installed:
amarok amarok-lang apper apper-lang appmenu-qt audacity bluedevil bluedevil-lang choqok cln digikam digikam-doc digikam-lang fdupes
ggz-client-libs ggz-client-libs-devel ggz-client-libs-lang gstreamer-plugins-qt gtk2-engine-oxygen gtk2-theme-oxygen kaffeine kdbg
kdbg-lang kde-gtk-config kde-gtk-config-lang kde-odf-thumbnail kdenlive kdesvn kdevelop4 kdevelop4-lang kdevelop4-pg-qt kdevplatform
kdevplatform-lang kim kio_iso kiosktool kiosktool-lang kipi-plugins kipi-plugins-acquireimage kipi-plugins-geolocation
kipi-plugins-lang konversation konversation-lang ksshaskpass ktorrent ktorrent-lang ktp-accounts-kcm ktp-accounts-kcm-lang ktp-approver
ktp-approver-lang ktp-auth-handler ktp-auth-handler-lang ktp-common-internals ktp-common-internals-lang ktp-contact-list
ktp-contact-list-lang ktp-contact-runner ktp-contact-runner-lang ktp-desktop-applets ktp-desktop-applets-lang ktp-filetransfer-handler
ktp-filetransfer-handler-lang ktp-icons ktp-kded-module ktp-kded-module-lang ktp-kpeople ktp-send-file ktp-send-file-lang ktp-text-ui
ktp-text-ui-lang kvkbd lensfun-data libHUpnp1 libQtSolutions_SOAP-2_7-1 libbluedevil2 libechonest2_3 libepub0 libggz2 libggz2-devel
libkdevplatform8 libkgeomap-lang libkpeople libkpeople-lang libktpaccountskcminternal4 liblensfun0 libmediawiki1 libmlt++3 libmlt6
libmlt6-data libmlt6-modules libodfgen-0_1-1 libopencv2_4 libqalculate5 libqwt5 libraw10 libstrigi0 libsvnqt7 libtag-extras1
libtelepathy-logger-qt4-1 libtelepathy-qt4-2 libtomahawk-plugins linphone melt melt6 moodbar python-cssselect python-docopt python-jedi
python-pep8 python-pyplete python-pysmell python-setuptools python3-setuptools skanlite skanlite-doc skanlite-lang strigi strigi-devel
synaptiks tomahawk tomahawk-kde zmap
The following 28 packages are going to be upgraded:
findutils fonts-config gstreamer-plugins-bad gstreamer-plugins-bad-orig-addon-debuginfo libavcodec55 libavdevice55 libavfilter4
libavformat55 libavresample1 libavutil52 libgstbadbase-1_0-0 libgstbadvideo-1_0-0 libgstbasecamerabinsrc-1_0-0 libgstcodecparsers-1_0-0
libgstgl-1_0-0 libgstmpegts-1_0-0 libgstphotography-1_0-0 libgsturidownloader-1_0-0 libmjpegutils-2_0-0 libpostproc52
libstreamanalyzer0 libswresample0 libswscale2 mjpegtools rpm rpm-build rpm-python x264
28 packages to upgrade.
Overall download size: 10.4 MiB. Already cached: 0 B After the operation, additional 85.1 KiB will be used.
Continue? [y/n/? shows all options] (y): ?
y - Yes, accept the summary and proceed with installation/removal of packages.
n - No, cancel the operation.
v - Toggle display of package versions.
a - Toggle display of package architectures.
r - Toggle display of repositories from which the packages will be installed.
m - Toggle display of package vendor names.
d - Toggle between showing all details and as few details as possible.
g - View the summary in pager.
[y/n/? shows all options] (y):
Retrieving package findutils-4.5.14-2.4.1.x86_64 (1/28), 281.1 KiB (659.1 KiB unpacked)
Retrieving delta: ./x86_64/findutils-4.5.14-2.1.2_2.4.1.x86_64.drpm, 24.1 KiB
Retrieving: findutils-4.5.14-2.1.2_2.4.1.x86_64.drpm ...............................................................................[done]
Applying delta: ./findutils-4.5.14-2.1.2_2.4.1.x86_64.drpm .........................................................................[done]
Retrieving: libavdevice55-2.3.6-2.1.x86_64.rpm .....................................................................................[done]
Checking for file conflicts: .......................................................................................................[done]
( 1/28) Installing: findutils-4.5.14-2.4.1 ........................................................................................[error]
Installation of findutils-4.5.14-2.4.1 failed:
Error: Subprocess failed. Error: RPM failed: error: File not found: /var/cache/zypp/packages/openSUSE 13.2 OSS Update/x86_64/findutils-4.5.14-2.4.1.x86_64.rpm
Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i] (a): i
( 2/28) Installing: fonts-config-20140604-3.5.1 ...................................................................................[error]
Installation of fonts-config-20140604-3.5.1 failed:
Error: Subprocess failed. Error: RPM failed: error: File not found: /var/cache/zypp/packages/openSUSE 13.2 OSS Update/noarch/fonts-config-20140604-3.5.1.noarch.rpm
Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i] (a): a
Warning: %posttrans scripts skipped while aborting:
Problem occured during or after installation or removal of packages:
Installation aborted by user
Please see the above error message for a hint.
Als erstes viel mir auf das zypper jetzt die Ausgabe auch farblich etwas aufhübscht, das war vor ein paar Tagen noch nicht. Bsp.:
Reading installed packages...
The following 122 package updates will NOT be installed:
amarok amarok-lang apper ...]
„The following…“ und die Anfangsbuchstaben der Pakete erscheint in Blau…
jetzt sehe ich auch das zypper was von upgrade schreibt :-/ steht da nicht sonst update, hmm
28 packages to upgrade.
Overall download size: 10.4 MiB. Already cached: 0 B After the operation, additional 85.1 KiB will be used.
Continue? [y/n/? shows all options] (y): ?
Und sonst auch nur die Frage [y/n] - show all options ist neu (mein ich
Nunja, ich hab es dann von Hand per rpm installiert:
balu:~ # rpm -U "/var/cache/zypp/packages/openSUSE 13.2 OSS Update/x86_64/findutils-4.5.14-2.4.1.x86_64.rpm"
Dies musste ich mit allen Paketen wiederholen die im “openSUSE 13.2 OSS Update”-Repo waren. die restlichen von Packman
gingen dann.
Es scheint an den Leerzeichen zu liegen, oder?
Hier noch ein paar Infos:
zypper wurde gestern upgedatet
hier meine repos:
balu:~ # zypper lr
# | Alias | Name | Enabled | Refresh
1 | KDE_Extra | Additional packages maintained by the KDE team (openSUSE_13.2) | Yes | Yes
2 | VideoLAN | VideoLAN openSUSE 13.2 | No | No
3 | games | Games (openSUSE_13.2) | Yes | Yes
4 | google-earth | google-earth | Yes | No
5 | home:rdannert:zmap | home:rdannert:zmap | Yes | Yes
6 | home_ecsos_fritzbox | fritzbox (openSUSE 13.2) | Yes | Yes
7 | libdvdcss repository | libdvdcss repository | Yes | Yes
8 | openSUSE 13.2 NON-OSS | openSUSE 13.2 NON-OSS | Yes | Yes
9 | openSUSE 13.2 NON-OSS Update | openSUSE 13.2 NON-OSS Update | Yes | Yes
10 | openSUSE 13.2 OSS | openSUSE 13.2 OSS | Yes | Yes
11 | openSUSE 13.2 OSS Update | openSUSE 13.2 OSS Update | Yes | Yes
12 | packman | Packman 13.2 | Yes | Yes
13 | science | Software for Scientists and Engineers (openSUSE_13.2) | No | No
Ich hatte auch ein *zypper clean *versucht, brachte nix…
zypper verify zeigt ein nicht lösbares Problem, aber schon seit dem upgrade auf 13.2 (evtl. schon vorher):
balu:~ # zypper verify
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Problem: nothing provides appdata(firefox.appdata.xml) needed by application:Firefox-.noarch
Solution 1: deinstallation of application:Firefox-.noarch
Solution 2: break application:Firefox-.noarch by ignoring some of its dependencies
Choose from above solutions by number or cancel [1/2/c] (c): 1
Resolving dependencies...
The following application is going to be REMOVED:
No additional space will be used or freed after the operation.
Dependencies of all installed packages are satisfied.
Egal ob ich Lösung 1 oder 2 nehme, es kommt immer wieder…
Weiß jemand wo das Problem liegen könnte?
Vielen Dank im Voraus…