I’m very new to Tumbleweed, and I am having some trouble figuring out how to get a properly updated system.
When I run zypper dup I get:
The following packages are going to be upgraded:
cantarell-fonts gio-branding-openSUSE gnome-icon-theme-extras gnome-js-common
gnome-video-effects gtk2-branding-openSUSE gtk2-engine-hcengine
libavahi-client3 libavahi-common3 libavahi-core7 libavahi-glib1
libavahi-gobject0 libavahi-ui-gtk3-0 libcroco-0_6-3 libgee2 libgeocode-glib0
libgtop-2_0-7 libmission-control-plugins0 libnotify4 libnotify-tools
libpackagekit-glib2-16 libtelepathy-glib0 PackageKit PackageKit-backend-zypp
PackageKit-browser-plugin PackageKit-gstreamer-plugin PackageKit-gtk3-module
telepathy-mission-control typelib-1_0-TelepathyGlib-0_12
The following package is going to be downgraded:
29 packages to upgrade, 1 to downgrade.
Overall download size: 3.9 MiB. After the operation, 19.2 KiB will be freed.
This breaks the system and keeps X from starting.
When I run zypper dup --from Tumbleweed , libgio-2_0-0 is upgraded and the rest of the above packages are downgraded, allowing the system to run again.
I only have the main 3 repos + tumbleweed repo activated. Looking through the forums, it seems as though having a system updated with zypper dup is a properly updated system. Any idea how I would make this happen?
Also, I don’t know if this has anything to do with it, but when first applying updates I ran into some dependency problems where I chose Solution 1 for a couple issues that needed to be resolved. I believe this removed packages in order for the dependencies to be resolved. I might have rushed through this without considering my options wisely enough. Is there some sort of logic I can use when making decisions about these type of situations? Possibly always keep the old dependency, etc? I remember one of them being about the need to remove an old kernel, so I thought this was a safe solution.
“Zypper dup --from” isn’t generally recommended by the Tumbleweed maintainer, just plain “zypper dup” is the way. However sometimes “–from” has overcome a problem that generally doesn’t happen. Not a perfect answer, but that’s just the way it is sometimes.
I would disable the other repos that are not Tumbleweed to keep the system from being confused. Mixing and matching repos is seldom a good idea. You really have to know what your doing and pay attention all the time. Otherwise, use --from Tumbleweed and libgio 2 as that will keep you up to date on Tumbleweed and not confuse the system.
On 05/24/2013 04:36 PM, Jonathan R pecked at the keyboard and wrote:
> I would disable the other repos that are not Tumbleweed to keep the
> system from being confused. Mixing and matching repos is seldom a good
> idea. You really have to know what your doing and pay attention all the
> time. Otherwise, use --from Tumbleweed and libgio 2 as that will keep
> you up to date on Tumbleweed and not confuse the system.
For the OP, all the correct repos are enabled. Unless you are going back
to 12.3 I would also turn off the refresh of the unused repos as well or
just delete them.
hmmmmm, i see that it is not listed among the repos on the tumbleweed
page <http://tinyurl.com/69mj3zj>, but i think that is an
oversight…well, should not a tumbleweed be fed from both “update
current” AND “update-non-oss current”?
On my Tumbleweed box, I set the Tumbleweed repos (opensuse and packman) to have priority 98, and left the other at priority 99. That solved the problem that I was having (similar to your problems).
I’m told that changing the priority can cause other problems, but I have not run into any as of yet.
I gather that some of the Tumbleweed packages have lower version numbers than the regular packages, even though they are higher versions. And that is what causes the problems. The priority change overrules that, by always prefering the version in the Tumbleweed repo. The “–from” is supposed to have a similar effect.
However, I’m new to Tumbleweed, so not any kind of expert. I’m simply reporting what worked for me.
I reinstalled (for the 5th time) and found the easiest way to show the software dependency problems all in one go is through yast, I have a screenshot of problematic package and it’s solutions here: http://i.imgur.com/AIxuce6.png
Well, reinstalling won’t help you with this problem.
Some branding packages in Tumbleweed have a lower version than in 12.3 at the moment, so “zypper dup” wants to keep the 12.3 versions. This in turn prevents some other packages to upgrade to Tumbleweed, because they depend on the branding packages. In the end this results in an incompatible mix of packages between those two repos.
So, either use “zypper dup --from Tumbleweed” or YaST for now and select “downgrade” everywhere in the conflict resolution dialog.
Or change the priority of the Tumbleweed repo (and Packman if you use that) to 98 as was already suggested. Then “zypper dup” should work the same again as “zypper dup --from Tumbleweed”.
That’s quite an assumption, which I would never have writen unless I knew for sure. I know that a lot of effort has been put in the GNOME packages on TW. with love too. It’s not a branch, it’s the same GNOME, built for TW. And, to be more explicite here: I’ve experienced absolutely no differences in running GNOME 3.8 on TW compared to running it on a stock 12.3 install.
Sorry, it’s just my experience from trying gnome TW on two seperate machines and running into the same issues while KDE TW is running flawlessly. It’s no secret that KDE get’s more developer action on OpenSUSE. Wasn’t trying to criticize, it’s an enourmous undertaking trying to get all distros stable for primetime.