i just wanted to update tumbleweed via zypper dup and got the following error message:
Problem: krb5-32bit-1.13.2-1.2x86_64 requires libverto.so.1, but this requirement cannot be provided
uninstallable providers: libverto1-0.2.6-1.1.i586[repo-oss]
Solution 1: keep obsolete krb5-32bit-1.13.2-1.2x86_64
Solution 2: install libverto1-0.2.6-1.1.i586 despite the inferior architecture
Solution 3: break krb5-32bit-1.13.2-1.2x86_64 by ignoring some of its dependencies.
none of the solutions seems to be ideal.
What should i do? Can this be related to the recent defaulting to plasma 5?
I had plasma 5 installed before the upgrade and did not change back to the old kde 4 before doing the upgrade, so maybe this is a remnat of the old kde 4 or plasma 5 pattern?
btw: i typed this error message manually from one terminal (CNTRL+ALT+F1) to the graphical terminal (CNTRL+ALT+F7), because i allways do zypper dup on a new terminal.
Is there a way to copy or pipe the output on the other terminal so that i can simply copy and paste it?
As far as I know, I’m not actually using krb. There might be some library calls, but I doubt that they are to the 32bit library. So this seemed reasonably safe.
If there had been an option to just delete krb5-32bit, I would have taken that. But that was not offered.
So that probably leaves something broken (hopefully something that I don’t use). It will probably be fixed in a future update.
Why wouldn’t you get the same conflict, since there is no vendor change involved here, and the packages are all in -oss?
Either Solution 1 or 3 allow the upgrade to proceed. Solution 2 just gets a load more conflicts. So the choice is to keep the obsolete package or upgrade it with broken dependencies. Either way libverto1 (64bit) gets installed. Since a fix is to happen, I decided not to proceed yet, but that may not be necessary?
PS. Malcolm, just seen your second post, but it doesn’t tell me why no conflict.
In the end zypper dup and resolving the conflict by using Solution 1 as the “health and safety” option, on this occasion where no vendor change was necessary, it gave exactly the same result as zypper up proposed.