So sort of new to opensuse, I used it YEARS ago and a lot has changed since then. Anyway coming from mostly debian based distro’s and arch I am a little confused about zypper. I assumed zypper dup is similar to debian’s apt-get dist-upgrade in which in grabs new packages that may not already be installed. From my experience the past week or so it looks like something as simple as a new version requires dup rather then up, however thats not what the documentation shows. How frequently do you / should I run dup then? I should also note that I enabled the kde repo to get the latest 4.8.4, is this what is causing all the distribution updates?
Generally zypper up installs new versions if they come from the same vendor (same repo as the version of the package already installed and the version number needs to be higher). So once you switch all your KDE packages vendor to the new repo you’ve added they will be upgraded with zypper up. (please note that zypper up ingores the repo priorities it just cares about not switching the vendor).
So to switch the vendor of all the packages that come from 4.8.4 repo you need to do :
zypperd dup -r [repo name or number]
After that zypper up will update the packages if new versions will be visible in the 4.8.4 repo.
You can also do
zypper dup
any time you’re updating your system but than you need to carefully read the link I gave you and configure repo priorities properly. Zypper dup takes priorities into consideration and will switch the vendor of a package to the repo which priority is better (the lower the number the better the priority). For details I once again recommend reading the link.
On 07/12/12 22:46, rynunes pecked at the keyboard and wrote:
> So sort of new to opensuse, I used it YEARS ago and a lot has changed
> since then. Anyway coming from mostly debian based distro’s and arch I
> am a little confused about zypper. I assumed zypper dup is similar to
> debian’s apt-get dist-upgrade in which in grabs new packages that may
> not already be installed. From my experience the past week or so it
> looks like something as simple as a new version requires dup rather then
> up, however thats not what the documentation shows. How frequently do
> you / should I run dup then? I should also note that I enabled the kde
> repo to get the latest 4.8.4, is this what is causing all the
> distribution updates?
> Thanks!
The three commands used the most with zypper would be:
update, (up) to update packages already installed. This will not install
newer versions available in other repos.
patch to install security updates and sometimes newer versions if
deemed necessary by the powers that be.
dist-upgrade, (dup) to upgrade to newer versions in different addon
repos such as KDE 4.8.4 that you mention.
Use any with caution as any repos defined may be in a state of flux as
newer packages are uploaded to the repos.
And there is always zypper --help for additional commands available.
On 2012-07-13 04:46, rynunes wrote:
> So sort of new to opensuse, I used it YEARS ago and a lot has changed
> since then. Anyway coming from mostly debian based distro’s and arch I
> am a little confused about zypper. I assumed zypper dup is similar to
> debian’s apt-get dist-upgrade in which in grabs new packages that may
> not already be installed. From my experience the past week or so it
> looks like something as simple as a new version requires dup rather then
> up, however thats not what the documentation shows. How frequently do
> you / should I run dup then? I should also note that I enabled the kde
> repo to get the latest 4.8.4, is this what is causing all the
> distribution updates?
First, “zypper dup” is a powerful and dangerous command, use it sparingly.
As it names says, it was intended solely to update the distribution, not to
be used in normal usage. It not only updates, it can also downgrade:
basically it puts your system in the same status as the combination of
repos you tell it to use - and if your repo list is long, it becomes more
difficult to predict the result.
However, it has it uses in changing to different repos.
In normal conservative usage, you would use only “zypper patch” (equivalent
to Yast Onliine Update, aka YOU). It brings only patches from update repos.
The typical usage is “zypper up”. It will bring new versions from all
repos, respecting vendor; Ie, if you have A.1 from some repo it will not
install A.2 from another repo because that’s a vendor change. This is quite
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)
Thanks everyone for your responses. glistwan, I read the thread you linked and learned about priories (something that I had overlooked before). So I set the kde repos to a higher priority (lower number) and now I am running into this tug of war issue. When I ran zypper dup it asks me to downgrade some libs as these are the ones in the kde repo, but afterwards if I run zypper patch it asks me to upgrade back and change the owner back to the default. Should this be doing this?
On 2012-07-13 20:46, rynunes wrote:
> Thanks everyone for your responses. glistwan, I read the thread you
> linked and learned about priories (something that I had overlooked
> before). So I set the kde repos to a higher priority (lower number) and
> now I am running into this tug of war issue. When I ran zypper dup it
> asks me to downgrade some libs as these are the ones in the kde repo,
> but afterwards if I run zypper patch it asks me to upgrade back and
> change the owner back to the default. Should this be doing this?
Absolutely. Software is never wrong. Both calls are doing what you tell
them to do and what they are designed to do - even if that is not what you
want to do.
Read again my previous post.
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)
On 07/13/12 14:46, rynunes pecked at the keyboard and wrote:
> Thanks everyone for your responses. glistwan, I read the thread you
> linked and learned about priories (something that I had overlooked
> before). So I set the kde repos to a higher priority (lower number) and
> now I am running into this tug of war issue. When I ran zypper dup it
> asks me to downgrade some libs as these are the ones in the kde repo,
> but afterwards if I run zypper patch it asks me to upgrade back and
> change the owner back to the default. Should this be doing this?
The most likely reason for this is the KDE repo has a higher priority
then the standard repo but the update repo has a higher priority then
the KDE repo. Change the KDE repo to a priority higher then the update repo.
Yea from what I can tell it looks like the version in the standard repo is a minor version above the one in the kde repo and even though I have a higher priority because the version is higher it wants to switch when I run zypper patch. Guess I will just leave the patched version as everything appears to be running fine afterwards. After doing some more reasearch in the wiki it looks like this auto vendor change is a “feature” of zypper…
> The most likely reason for this is the KDE repo has a higher priority then
> the standard repo but the update repo has a higher priority then the KDE
> repo. Change the KDE repo to a priority higher then the update repo.
The update repo has a higher priority (with zypper patch) if the package
has a higher number, even if it means a vendor change. I don’t know if this
is a bug or a feature.
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)