zypper, after a failed update of opensuse 15.6 (zypper update), is no longer working due to a broken library dependency.
zypper ps -s
zypper: error while loading shared libraries: libzypp.so.1734: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
In the system there is the libzypp.so.1735 but zypper require the older version.
I tried the symlink but it does not work
sudo ln -s libzypp.so.1735 libzypp.so.1734
zypper ps -s
zypper: symbol lookup error: zypper: undefined symbol: _ZN4zypp11RepoManager10buildCacheERKNS_8RepoInfoENS0_16CacheBuildPolicyERKN5boost8functionIFbRKNS_12ProgressDataEEEE, version ZYPP_plain
Any idea to solve this problem.