For those not, ‘in the know’, this is the new feature where one can
make the desktop zoom out and then zoom back in on a ‘Widget’ or an
‘Activity’. This is similar… but different from, virtual desktops.
I am intrigued by this zooming capability, but can’t quite figure out
what the intended use is.
I don’t know if it is ‘kosher’ to reply to my own post, but here goes.
It seems that, as virtual desktops change out the applications and
windows open on the desktop, so it is with the zoomed widgets/activities
and the plasma driven artifacts. So, the same applications/Windows will
be open on a given virtual desktop, but the plasmids can be a different
set. So, this would appear to be a run at changing out the supporting
plasmids for a given activity. (Am I warm here?)
I am finding that plasmids do not stay where I put them… this is more
than annoying if one wishes them to be viable supporting characters to
productivity on the desktop.