Zoom - does a functioning version exist?

opensuse tumbleweed
gnome 47 wayland
linux 6.11.8-1-default

Does anyone have a functioning version of zoom?

I had an old one, v5.x; it worked. There were programmatic complaints about how old it was so I installed the latest (6.2.x) around June 2024. It worked once, never again.

I get the messages below after a system update; it only happens once. After the initial attempt, no messaging whatsoever anywhere. Running zoom as root yields a coredump.

$ zoom
ZoomLauncher started.
Zoom path is: /opt/zoom
cmd line: 
Start subprocess: /opt/zoom/zoom sucessfully,  process pid: 45791 
Can't load/home/jmoe/.config/zoomus.conf
No PulseAudio daemon running, or not running as session daemon.
                             Class      App      Lib Possible Culprit Flags
                resip::Connection      656      656 
                      resip::Data       36       36 
                 resip::DnsResult     1080     1080 
                   resip::Headers        1        1 
          resip::MsgHeaderScanner       40       40 
                resip::SipMessage     5224     5224 
         resip::TransportSelector      896      896 
                     resip::Tuple      128      128 
              resip::UdpTransport     1144     1144 
          resip::GenericIPAddress       28       28 

zoom started.
Client: Breakpad is using Single Client Mode! client fd = -1
Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome. Use QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland anyway.
loadZoomWebviewHostProcess newPath is /opt/zoom/ZoomWebviewHost
loadZoomWebviewHostProcess libpath is /opt/zoom/Qt/lib:/opt/zoom/cef:/opt/zoom
Start subprocess: /opt/zoom/ZoomWebviewHost sucessfully,  process pid: 45803 
Interface wlp5s0u1u4 is a wireless interface
Interface: ipv4 enp8s0, IP Address:
qt.scenegraph.general: threaded render loop
qt.scenegraph.general: Using sg animation driver
qt.scenegraph.general: Animation Driver: using vsync: 16.67 ms
qrc:/qml/ZoomBubbleQuickViewRootItem.qml:14:5: Type ZoomBubble unavailable 
         ZoomBubble { 
qrc:/qml/ZoomBubble.qml:2:1: plugin cannot be loaded for module "QtQuick.Controls": Cannot load library /opt/zoom/QtQuick/Controls.2/libqtquickcontrols2plugin.so: (/opt/zoom/QtQuick/Controls.2/libqtquickcontrols2plugin.so: undefined symbol: _ZNK17QQuickStylePlugin11createThemeEv, version Qt_5_PRIVATE_API) 
     import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 
/opt/zoom/zoom: symbol lookup error: /opt/zoom/QtQuick/Window.2/libwindowplugin.so: undefined symbol: _ZN18QQuickWindowModule12defineModuleEv, version Qt_5_PRIVATE_API
Something went wrong while running zoom, exit code is 127.
ZoomLauncher exit.

This might be worth a try:

Un-install the native version (since it doesn’t work)

Run the Discover app (System Menu → System)

Navigate to Internet → Chat
Scroll to bottom (or Search for “zoom”).
Select the Zoom (FlatPak) entry, then Install.

Run it
Does the Flatpak version work?

I remember trying the flathub zoom app a month or so ago. At that time there were issues: it took almost two minutes to start, and the font size was so small it was unreadable.

Neither of those problems have occurred with the latest flathub version.

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I haven’t had any issues other than when Wayland was causing some problems several months back, but X11 worked (the issues were with choppy video and general graphics issues, but it was starting). Currently I’m on version according to zypper if zoom. I downloaded from the zoom website, I’ve updated it as necessary. It’s the .rpm I download.

Anyway I saw the post about font sizes and such. I have a 4k laptop so HiDPI stuff has been an issue with many programs. There is a file ~/.config/zoomus.conf that you can edit the scaleFactor= and autoScale= options. Currently on Wayland I have autoScale=true and scaleFactor=1.00 and this uses the scale factor I set in KDE settings. If I switch to X I have to change the scaleFactor to 1.75. Thankfully Wayland has been awesome lately, I hope it stays that way.

Anyway, just know there’s a .conf file that helps you dial this in.

For a FlatPak, that path does NOT apply.

And as a sidenote, FlatPak installs are a nice option, so suggesting a questionable install, that most likely results in problems (already described), isn’t a great idea.

Given the previous post to mine mentioned issues with their flatpak install I figured I’d offer up what works for me as zoom is critical for me. It’s worked for 7+ months on this install, only issues I have had were the HiDPI stuff (which wasn’t an issue, but me needing to configure it correctly) and some Wayland flakiness but a switch to X fixed that so I’m pretty sure that wasn’t zoom’s fault. I’m back on Wayland now. So I do think my experience is relevant, but if you don’t, then that’s fine, but I’m going to leave it here for others to see one way it worked for this Tumbleweed user.

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