Zoom app Video Conferencing

I need (wish) to install Zoom video conferencing app on my PC running Leap 15.1. The app download site indicates RPM suitable for OpenSUSE 13.2+. Any info if it will it work with my install? While searching for info I found the thread “Tumbleweed Zoom Conferencing Blank GUI”. In the solution there the package mentioned is different from the one indicated on the site.

Is there a way to install the package with Yast?



I’ve had problems with sound on Linux but it works fine from a Windows Virtual Machine here.

Yes, it will install and run on 15.1 - was playing with it the other day.

You can also use the Zoom web interface, no app required. That seemed to work here as well, though I didn’t test as much.

The app requires installation of Packagekit. Is that OK (safe)?

I have packagekit on my system, it is usually included as part of a new installation. You can always remove it or just remove the check mark from software updates in the system tray settings. Zoom will run fine on LEAP 15.1, I’ve used it several times without issue.

I installed it via Flatpak. It works great.

…I never used flatpack, as zoom updates frequently I solved creating a plain rpm folder repository via yast on my pc and download inside it the new version and install via yast :slight_smile:

I used it today to listen passively to a conference. However when I quit the application it seemed to close down ok but my system was clearly sluggish based on mouse movements which were slower than usual. I checked the system monitor and there was no unusual load on the processor, however the memory usage was stuck up at 40% where usually on a quiet system it will be 20%. I logged out of my user account and back in and the speed came back.

I installed firejail ( both the 15.1 and 15.2 have the wrong permissions and need fixing to work ) but you have to sudo chmod /usr/bin/firejail 4755 for it to work on 15.2 and 15.1.
If you want the 15.1 version it is here:
There is a one-click for 15.2 and Tumbleweed.

Zoom works fine in firejail as does firefox and many other programs - it keeps you safer than running it unprotected.
open terminal and at the prompt type
***firejail zoom

I had to add a zoom.local file to get Zoom working in firejail. Details:


FWIW: PackageKit is locked in my KDE desktop system, but I had no trouble installing Zoom.

Actually the proper way is perhaps to follow this solution, at least for security reasons: firejail firefox: Permission denied · Issue #3069 · netblue30/firejail · GitHub

sudo gpasswd -a <user> firejail

Add yourself to the firejail group and re-login.


Latest zoom update fixed my sound problem

I’m sure if it’s relevant but I’ve installed zoom over 2 years ago using zypper (from the web_rpm provided by zoom) and it’s always worked well.

I just used what ubuntu and mint linux used for /usr/bin/firejail permissions. If works fine in ubuntu and mint - it didn’t work in OpenSUSE.