Hi, I’m new in this forum, but not really new to openSUSE. I’ve used on my 3 latest comps without an real issues.
If I watch clips on youtube everything is fine and dandy until I hit the full screen button. When the comp turns to full screen it lags quite heavily, takes quite a while for it to turn to normal display after I hit Esc. I haven’t really had any issues with suse before so now I feel quite lost. The comp is lightning fast in every other aspect, graphical effects low or beefed up don’t seem to effect performance. Today I actually thought I’d turn to the dark side*, in frustration.
My comp
HP Envy 15-1195
openSUSE 11.4 KDE 4
- Ubuntu
Hi, I’m new in this forum, but not really new to openSUSE. I’ve used on my 3 latest comps without an real issues.
If I watch clips on youtube everything is fine and dandy until I hit the full screen button. When the comp turns to full screen it lags quite heavily, takes quite a while for it to turn to normal display after I hit Esc. I haven’t really had any issues with suse before so now I feel quite lost. The comp is lightning fast in every other aspect, graphical effects low or beefed up don’t seem to effect performance. Today I actually thought I’d turn to the dark side*, in frustration.
My comp
HP Envy 15-1195
openSUSE 11.4 KDE 4
I would attribute most such issues to the video driver. I did a spec search and it mentioned ATI (which is now AMD). If this is AMD graphics (or even nVIDIA) are you loading proprietary video driver? Have you confirmed your multimedia is good? Look at the mmcheck script here if you are not sure:
MMCHECK - Version 2.35 - Check Your Multimedia in 16 Steps - Bash Script File - Blogs - openSUSE Forums
Thank You,
Eh… I didn’t get that part, you know the mmcheck thingy. Should I past the whole script on that page…?
Eh… I didn’t get that part, you know the mmcheck thingy. Should I past the whole script on that page…?
mmcheck is a bash script. You go to the SuSE paste site (Here](http://paste.opensuse.org/77258086)) and download the script (Download Button in the top right) and pick Open With a text editor. Mine defaults to Kwrite. I then save the text file in the folder ~/bin (/home/yourname/bin) as the file mmcheck. I then open a terminal session and run the command:
chmod +x ~/bin/mmcheck
To use mmcheck, open a terminal session and type the command:
mmcheck has 16 tests with suggested outcomes for each test. Run each test and then you can indeed copy and past the results of any one of the tests that are in question as to the results on your PC into a message here in the forum. You only need to ask about those you have a question about. Now using bash script files is perhaps a new thing for some users, but very common in openSUSE. So you need to stick with us here and learn how to use them.
Thank You,