You / Zypper

Hello everyone,

i’m having some trouble updating my installation of opensuse 11.0
every once and again i get an email saying zypper has updated some things (mozilla, php and so on…)

but the kernel isn’t updated (still 2.6.25-…)
while my ubuntu installation is at 2.6.28-11.

i’ve updated my software recources and it says it’s added a update server (checked and there are 3 servers in the list)
but when i go to online update it displays none. not even previous installed patches.

anyone an idee?

kind regards

I can not be sure about 11.0 (not having it myself), but when you think that when a new kernel is available in an Ubuntu release this means that it is aivailable as an update in openSUSEE 11.0 (or maybe 10.3) you are wrong. Only security updates to the kernel will be made available. You will probably find a (not perse the one used in Ubuntu) newer kernel in 11.1.

An openSUSE release is a fixed bundle and stays as it is (except for security updates of course).

arnoldnijboer adjusted his/her AFDB on Monday 11 May 2009 19:16 to write:

> Hello everyone,
> i’m having some trouble updating my installation of opensuse 11.0
> every once and again i get an email saying zypper has updated some
> things (mozilla, php and so on…)
> but the kernel isn’t updated (still 2.6.25-…)
> while my ubuntu installation is at 2.6.28-11.

SuSE does not jump kernel version, the kernel you have when the SuSE version
is released is the one that SuSE keeps updated.

however that does not mean it is the"original" it will have backports and
security fixes that come with the normal updates.

The kernel you see in ubuntu is because your ubuntu is a newer release and
uses the latest kernel at the time of release.

If you want a newer kernel on SuSE then you can either upgrade to 11.1 or
compile your own.

You might find a ready compiled and packaged rpm for 11 in one of the repos but it will not be in the normal ones.

I will leave finding it up to you as I do not want to point you to something
that might b0rk your system.

however i use such kernels sometimes and have only once had a little problem
so YMMV.



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Nil illigitimi carborundum