Yast2 runlevel editor trouble

Hi there,

I have a problem with the runlevel editor. It hangs at 28 per cent when initialising
the runlevels. (Process: y2base runlevel qt). It used to work fine, probably until
I installed an update recommended by yast, including a new kernel. I did not immediately
reboot after installing the new kernel but used the runlevel editor, which has hung since then.
I’ve tried a reboot without success.

Does anyone know what I could do to get this running again?


Try re-installing yast2-runlevel

If that does not work please supply some information about your system (especially the version and any non-default software installed).
I am assuming that the problem is not confined to the graphical interface, but is experienced in text-mode YaST (from a console/text terminal).

Thanks for your suggestion. The problem is the same in text-mode.

I have already tried re-installing yast2-runlevel. Maybe I should de-install this feature before re-installing it. But then a lot of other yast packages get de-installed automatically. I can’t risk shutting down a running server.

My system is Opensuse 11.4 out of the box, all recommended updates done.

The only thing I’ve installed that comes from another source is an up-to-date version of Webmin, which I have used to configure the nameserver. Webmin could be the culprit, of course. On the other hand it runs smoothly on other systems I have set up.


I’ve got no idea what the problem is or how to fix it but please try search.opensuse.org.

There are some threads (at least 2 that pop out with a very similar problem). Here’s an example :
YaST2 System Services (Runlevel) hangs at 28%

Maybe You will find what you’re looking for there ?

Best regards,

Thanks for the advice Greg,

I got it running again, but only if I kill /usr/lib/YaST2/servers_non_y2/ag_initscripts.

Someone else has the same problem.

It seems to originate from non-yast2 init scripts. If only I knew what scripts
belong in this category.


I’d like to know this as well :slight_smile: Hopefully someone with the knowledge will see this thread and enlighten us both.

Best regards,

glistwan wrote:
> walther57;2372839 Wrote:
>> It seems to originate from non-yast2 init scripts. If only I knew what
>> scripts
>> belong in this category.
>> Andy
> I’d like to know this as well :slight_smile: Hopefully someone with the knowledge
> will see this thread and enlighten us both.

Well I don’t know the answer. But if I wanted to see where a yast
process was hanging, I’d look in the yast logs to see what it last
reported …

That was a good idea. There were lots of errors.
The trouble seems to have been caused by the init script for the ups
power unit. I have removed it and a glitch in the /etc/inittab
It read: id:555:initdefault: instead of just 5. Probably my fault.

The system is OK again. Thanks for everyone’s help. :slight_smile:
