I opened up YAST and selected HTTP in order to change some Apache settings. During the “Read network configuration” phase YAST crashes with the message below:
Internal Error. Please report a bug report with logs.
Details: can’t modify frozen String
Caller: /usr/lib64/ruby/vendor_ruby/2.1.0/yast/logger.rb:21:in `gsub!’
I would have attached an image but the link is local to my PC.
It does it every time so it now a big problem for me.
Include the error reported as you’ve posted.
Include the logfile requested.
You might also include a little bit of history,
such as whether the virtual web servers were set up with the YAST “http server” module.
How long ago the virtual web server was set up (approx).
Well, the good news is that running “zypper update” fixed it. There were not too many updates, and I didn’t check the files, but it works 100% now. I rebooted and double checked - it is fixed. Phew!