For this to check, please post the output of:
ls -l /lib*/libcrypto* /usr/lib*/libcrypto* /usr/local/lib*/libcrypto*
For this to check, please post the output of:
ls -l /lib*/libcrypto* /usr/lib*/libcrypto* /usr/local/lib*/libcrypto*
here it is:
/home/albert% ls -l /lib*/libcrypto* /usr/lib*/libcrypto* /usr/local/lib*/libcrypto*
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 1898072 Feb 12 17:22 /lib64/
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 1779936 Feb 12 17:04 /lib/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 5275360 Jan 27 00:16 /usr/lib64/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 Jun 20 21:28 /usr/lib64/ ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 25 Jun 20 16:08 /usr/lib64/ -> /lib64/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4496728 Jan 27 00:54 /usr/lib/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 Jun 20 21:28 /usr/lib/ ->
you are absoulutely correct. I notice that I have su command in somewhere else. After I remove it from PATH, it finally works very well now.
thanks a lot for such kind helps.
The command “ls -la $(which su)” is a bash-ism. It works for bash. You are possibly using “csh”.
The command to use with “csh” is
ls -la `which su`
That works in bash too. I’m not sure why people make these bash-assumptions, when they could suggest commands that will work with most shells.
Because the ...
contrsuct is often unreaable and can not be nested (and $( … ) does not only work in bash).
And you are correct, I did not see that the OP used the C-shell. OTOH he did not mention tha he uses a shell differentfrom the default. I do not think that people who try to help are to be blamed when they have to seach for, or ask for clues like:
. which version of openSUSE;
. which DE;
. which shell;
. which …
Peopel should provide this and wen they don’t, not complain about misnderstandiings, but giving that info then to resolve them.