YAST2 CA Management missing after update


I use the yast2 CA management console regularly for testing and local networks.

The documentation for LEAP 15 states that it should be there and explains how to use it. But it is completely absent from the installable software!

Can someone point me where to find this now? or how to install it.

It is a pretty handy tool

Link to manual entry https://doc.opensuse.org/documentation/leap/security/html/book.security/cha.security.yast_ca.html

Thanks for any help


or, simply

zypper in tinyca2

Before there was a YaST CA management module and now perhaps after, I’ve used TinyCA.


Thanks, will try this, I downloaded the source for the lib and perl, was trying to update the code to work with front end. Maybe I wont have to!