Hello there,

Trying to add the following http address to download some packages for Opensuse 10.3.

The address is :

Index of /distribution/10.3/repo/oss/suse/x86_64

How do you add this to the list of repositories seached for YAST and YAST2??? :\

It is not clear as to how this would be done.


Here is the wiki page:
Add Package Repositories to YaST - openSUSE.
Hope that helps.
Good luck.

Thanks for the response but when following the
instructions, I do:

Protocol: HTTP
Server Name: download.opensuse.org
Directory on Server /distribution/10.3/repo/oss/suse/x86_64

and the user is set to “Anonymous”.

When hitting the button to go on, I get the error message:

**Unable to create repository from URL: Index of /distribution/10.3/repo/oss/suse/x86_64

No. You don’t need to provide these things. Follow the pictures on the wiki page!
For Media Type select: Specify URL, then enter a name for the repo, and paste the URL you want to add.