How should I understand the red warning triangle with ‘?’ telling me that there are N packages available for installation during the Software Management process? Is it a warning or a just symbol without a further implied message? There are presumably other similar symbols at other points as well.
It’s preferred to use “[sudo] zypper up” at a command line.
What is the result if you execute it?
- What is the reasoning behind the preference for sudo zypper up?
By the way, some repos are still currently down. - I was just curious to know if the appearance of the symbol in YaST carries an additional message.
Personally, I never use Yast for software updates. Only zypper at a command line.
But I’ll check to compare … so I fire up yast2, then select “Software Management” … I don’t see any red triangles.
Then again, you never specified where you navigated to after S.M. is displayed.
Quite possibly , it indicates inaccessible servers (?) There have been issues for the last day or two accessing OpenSuse servers.
The triangle appears after click on Software Management > Package > All Packages > Update if newer version available
- in the window showing the number of packages (if there are any!)
Yes, that would be it. In my case it was a question mark in an inverted red triangle, just like a traffic warning sign. If it is not supposed to convey a message, why put it there? Just for aesthetic reasons? But, as you see, it evoked irrelevant thoughts.
That is not what you told in your first post. Please never assume that people can look over your shoulder
This BTW is in my opinion a correct way of updating a Leap system.
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