Well, the title tells all.
Here’s what I get:
YaST got signal 6 at ycp file wizard.ycp:36
/bin/yast2: line 421: 10916 aborted
$ybindir/y2base $module “$@” “selected_gui” $y2_geometry $y2ui_args
whatever it is, nothing works-except the main screen.
One-Click install does not work!
All help appreciated!!
Try this in a terminal as su
zypper in -f yast2*
then try yast again
if it doesn’t work come back
caf4926, I think you scared him out of here
Ok very funny!! (not).
I dont scare that easy!!
Anyway, I did that and it did not work:.
Same as before
Guess I should mention that I am using opesSUSE 11.0
Tech dict:
End user;
An absolute dumbbell!lol!
November 10, 2008, 5:06am
If you did the zypper above
now try in a terminal as su
zypper rpm --rebuilddb
try again
Tried that- It’s a no go:’(
Here’s what I get:
Unknown command ‘rpm’
Type ‘zypper help’ to get a list of global options and commands.
I played around on it- still no good.
This time the command worked- but no output (?)
Yast mod’s Still do not work:(
Go figure
I suppose now would be a good time to say that I use
Dial-up- 1.5 - 2.0 kb/s download 1.5 kb/s upload.
so a large remote system update is not really feasible
According to zypper the download was about 105 Mb(?)
so it may not work:’(
But tonight I’ll give it a shot and let you know how it goes
(btw part of the reason that it may not work is because with YaST
the connection keeps breaking Hmmm:\ )
November 11, 2008, 7:04pm
That sucks
why not install smart
zypper in smart
zypper in smart-gui
It will do the same job as the yast updater/software manager
and may allow you to repair the broken yast packages
Can’t get smart to work. Dont sweat it - I guess I’ll live,
but what about configuring scanner’s,Printer’s,etc??
I’m using kde 3.5 and it’s config tools dont work very well.
oh well…