Yast Software bug. Installation or upgrade stops midway


OpenSUSE 11, 32bit.

When I try to install Software through yast, or run the updates, the process usually starts OK, then midway through the process, it finishes and asks whether I want to add or remove more software. If I say no, the installer closes, and when I try the new software, I find out it hasn’t been installed. If I then restart the install packages via yast (it happens with yast and yast2, through a remote SSH session or not), I have to reselect the software I wanted to install. Some of the software of course has already been installed. If I repeat the procedure it starts installing again, and then suddenly, before it has finished, it asks me again whether I want to install or remove more SW. If I say yes, it goes back to the screen where I can select the software again. As it is still selected, I can use Accept, and the changed packages get listed. I select continue and the installation proceeds. Sometimes it then stops immediately again, sometimes it gets further. Sometimes it even finishes successively after a few retries, but very often it needs a lot of retries, which wastes a lot of time. This has happened on different hardware, so it must be a bug with yast.

In a terminal go su

zypper up

see if that sorts it

I’ve meanwhile managed to finish the updates via yast, but I still get the same issue when installing new packages. So I don’t think zypper up will do anything.

As I thought, zypper up didn’t help…

Actually, some users have has similar problems with yast as you’ve described, and the zypper update has helped with upgrading packages including problematic yast package versions. So, I recommend trying it if you still have problems.

Edit: Just read your last post. Were the updates initiated by opensuseupdater with PackageKit backend?

I had run online update via yast a couple of times, until it had managed to get all the updates. And zipper up said nothing to do.

“online update via yast” and “zypper up” make different things. See https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=408675#c8

Nevertheless, using zypper, it searched, then said nothing to do.


zypper in -f yast
zypper up -f package libzypp zypper

see if that gets Yast working

That didn’t help either.

zypper in -f yast2

reinstalled yast2 (with yast nothing was done),

and zypper up -f … caused an unknown option (-f), so I did

zypper in -f package libzypp zypper which reinstalled zypper.