YaST, root, and video drivers

I installed the wrong video driver on my SUSE 10.3 system so now I only have command line access. When I log in as root and start YaST from the command line I get a panel “YaST2 control center not running as root” so I don’t have the authority to replace the driver. Solving either the YaST problem or the driver problem will be enough. I have a 10.2 system on the same disk so all the files are accessible. Has anyone got any good ideas?

once you’ve logged in at the commandline,type su & press enter,then,type root’s password. you should now be able to run YaST in ncurses mode. Use the tab,up/down/left/right,spacebar & enter keys to navigate.


Many thanks for your quick reply. The problem was that although I was running as root (either as logon or su) and could get the curses form of YaST it would not allow me root access, ie. just display installed packages etc.
Someone suggested that I try sax2 and this has repaired the video problem (ie. type sax2 on the command line and it fixes it).
Not an urgent problem for me now but on my SuSe 10.3 Linux system if I type ctl/alt/F1 to get a command line screen then login as root the curses form of YaST still starts with the message about not running as root.