YaST process running and Software autostart

Two curious questions by a Newbie:

  1. How can i prevent the autostart of the Software application? (Preferred without any major terminal activities coz the terminal is a brilliant tool for a Newbie for blowing up the system.)
  2. Why do i see in Leap 15.6 a YaST process about some user mount even after i have closed all YaST windows? Btw: I cannot stop that process using ‘Mission Center’. (Smells a bit like a security risk, does it?)

And a little side-note: Does anybody know why i cannot see anymore MangoHud and GOverlay in Flatpak using the Software application?
Note: I am using Gnome without extensions.

What does searching for “gnome autostart” for you? My first hit is:


Does that help on 1)?

On 2): We would love to see what you see, searching once more I found:


Can you make a screen shot showing that process and post it here, the error given by “Mission Center” would be nice.

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@marel: Thx for suggesting Google and providing a screenshot.

The first did not deliver a sufficient answer for OpenSuse Leap 15.6. Therefore, i tried to pick the brain of the gurus in this forum.

Here the requested screenshot.

Hopefully this provides more information than my written explanation above.
Any idea of how to stop autostart without terminal for the Software Application would be appreciated.
And for the purpose of my curiosity i would love to learn about the reason for YaST staying around with fusermount3 in Leap 15.6 after having closed all YaST applications on the desktop.

I normally use KDE.

When I have experimented with Gnome, I have use “dconf-editor” to turn off the software application. I’m not sure if that prevents startup, or merely tells it to not do anything.

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Fix avoiding autostart of the Software Application in Gnome. :partying_face:
(But still no idea yet about the continuation of the YaST login in 15.6 after having closed all YaST applications.)


  1. Go to: /etc/xdg/autostart
  2. Copy org.gnome.Software.desktop to /home/[USER]/.config/autostart
  3. Open in Text Editior e.g. gedit in /home/bierpizzachips/.config/autostart the org.gnome.Software.desktop
  4. Add the line: X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=false
  5. Save
  6. Reboot

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