YaST partial install and RPM download not available

In an attempt to install the package pm-utils (which doesn’t appear to be available in the Leap repositories), the one-click install results in a partial install.

Additionally, the resource isn’t available to be downloaded.
Oddly enough, i’m uable to embed an image -https://imgur.com/a/Q4WC7Ch

pm-utils was obsoleted by systemd functionality long ago. e.g. see:
https://en.opensuse.org/SDB:Pm-utils was last updated in 2012

Power management is described on:

You have Leap 15.0 installed and want to install a 32bit package for Tumbleweed?

Search here:
goto “show experimental packages” under Leap 15.0

Thanks mrmazda. Since it’s a package still available in other distributions such as Ubuntu, i assumed it would have been available in OpenSUSE.

Does it mean that if packages are not actively maintained, OpenSUSE doesn’t incorporate these?

In referring to the power management guide, there doesn’t appear to be commands to for example suspend to memory. The alternate guide SDB:Suspend to RAM - openSUSE Wiki doesn’t seem to be updated either.

What is available natively in OpenSUSE to suspend to memory as a different option to echo -n m > /sys/power/state?

My understanding is that Leap is a downstream distribution of Tumbleweed. If yes, i wouldn’t expect a limitation in installing a 32bit package. I would be interesting in learning as to why it would be an issue.

What are the differences in an experimental package and an official build?

Also, why is an outdated package offered as an option?

Tumbleweed is the only release (rolling) that builds for 32bit targets (not sure how much testing is done), all the rest are 64bit derivatives (except ARM). Only 32bit supporting libs are provided these days in the distribution releases.

It’s not building, let me fix…

Package fixed and submitted back to utilities development project;

Thanks malcolmlewis. If Leap is a 64-bit derivative of Tumbleweed, why would it preclude it from running 32-bit packages? Do you mean to say that 32-bit packages are not supported (i.e cannot be installed) on Leap or SLES?

On Fri 28 Dec 2018 05:16:03 AM CST, motivatedape wrote:

malcolmlewis;2889972 Wrote:
> Hi
> Tumbleweed is the only release (rolling) that builds for 32bit targets
> (not sure how much testing is done), all the rest are 64bit
> derivatives (except ARM). Only 32bit supporting libs are provided
> these days in the distribution releases.
> It’s not building, let me fix…
> Show utilities / pm-utils - openSUSE Build Service

Thanks malcolmlewis. If Leap is a 64-bit derivative of Tumbleweed, why
would it preclude it from running 32-bit packages? Do you mean to say
that 32-bit packages are not supported (i.e cannot be installed) on Leap
or SLES?

No, you can still run if they are built/provided in the release, in most
cases just supporting 32bit libs (run zypper se 32bit). You would need
to provide any (as in build) if not present in the release, there are no
more 32bit builds (i586 iso images) in Leap or SLE anymore…

Cheers Malcolm °¿° SUSE Knowledge Partner (Linux Counter #276890)
SLES 15 | GNOME Shell 3.26.2 | 4.12.14-25.25-default
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