I updated banshee to 1.6. and something went wrong. I couldn’t start the program although it was listed as installed.
However, I erased it with YaST Software Management and reinstalled the older version (back to 1.4.3). Now I could open banshee and it did play songs, but it was totally buggy. I had lags or freezes for minutes. Three of four CPUs working on 100% can not be right for an mp3 player.
Current Problem:
So I thought maybe I had to repatch the program and actually found an online update which is described as “fixes freezes and crashes”. Not too great though since it was already listed as installed.
So I guess I have to re-install it to patch the newly installed banshee files, right? But the online update wouldn’t do that. I tried “remove” and “re-install” but none of that was done. No error message but no activation of the “apply” button either.
I thought maybe online Update is too smart to have patches removed as long the according software is installed, so I removed banshee again and tried to remove the patch, but it still didn’t work.
Any suggestions? I am still new to Linux and many things just don’t make sense to me. Maybe re-patching isn’t even the solution, who knows?
It may very well be, that the program installed fine. Revert to the update version and see if you can start it from a terminal window, by typing ‘banshee’. If so, the only problem is the menu’s entry.
linux-1234:/ # banshee
-bash: banshee: command not found
linux-1234:/ # banshee-1
Program 'banshee-1' is present in package 'banshee-1', which is installed on your system.
Absolute path to 'banshee-1' is '/usr/bin/banshee-1'. Please check your $PATH variable to see whether it contains the mentioned path.
-bash: banshee-1: command not found
linux-1234:/ # cd /usr/bin/banshee-1
-bash: cd: /usr/bin/banshee-1: No such file or directory
If Banshee does not execute from the menu, open a terminal window and do:
No more, no less. You tried to cd to /usr/bin/banshee-1, but that is not a folder, it’s the executable in the folder /usr/bin. Since that is in the search PATH, no need to cd there or the use the full path. Hope that explains it.
But since the error message occurred when I tried to execute banshee exactly like you told me, this really doesn’t change anything, does it?
However, this is not really the problem I have. Right now, I just want to repatch the old Version (1.4.3.) so that it works as before and not get 1.6. running. That is a completely different topic.