yast firewall icon does not work

I have been have trouble with my Leap 15, eg things deleted from desktop, internet connect very slow. During investigating the issue I opened yast , clicked on the firewall
icon and a dialog box popped up with a message “you need to install software for this” under this was “firewall.conf”. I was convinced I had a virus or something nasty
so I did a fresh install, but that did not fix the problem the message still pops up.
I would really appreciate any help with this issue.
Thank you

The message you see is normal. Until LEAP 15, openSUSE managed the firewall using an app called SuSEFW2.
With LEAP 15, there was a change to using firewall-config as a frontend to firewalld,replacing SuSEFW2.

Instead of re-writing the YaST firewall module, YaST now launches the installation of firewall-config and firewalld.

So, go ahead and allow the software to be installed.

As a new openSUSE user, you may want to take a look at the slide deck for my recently created presentation which contains a number of recommendations and info for new Users…



Yes, that happens. Just go ahead and allow that software install.

The firewall software being used has changed with Leap 15, and Yast support is not yet fully in place. So there’s a separate configuration utility available, and that is not installed by default. Maybe someone will change that decision for future releases.

Thank you, It threw me because the dialogue that pops up did not look very professional, nothing like opensuse’s dialogue boxes

Yes, it is not it the Yast style of handling such tasks. That’s probably why they decided to not automatically install the config app.

By the way, the new firewall (“firewalld”) actually comes from the RedHat folk.

Firewalld documentation here…
and a good ‘101’ guide for it here…