When I use YAST to update to new packages it by default chooses KDE 4.7 packages that are in the official repos to be the default ones. I have to go Versions tab to select the new package. Why is it that its choosing an older version as the latest version. Here is an screenshot:
[FONT=garamond]Also several zypper commands will display a packages vendor:
$ zypper info libzypp
Information for package libzypp:
Repository: openSUSE-11.4
UpdateName: libzypp
Version: 8.12.6-0.2.1
Arch: x86_64 Vendor: OpenSUSE <===
Installed: Yes
Status: up-to-date
Installed Size: 7.0 MiB
Summary: Package, Patch, Pattern, and Product Management
Description: Package, Patch, Pattern, and Product Management
The vendor protection rule is quite simple:
**Note:When looking for an installed packages updatecandidate, we are looking for a package originated by the samevendor (not repository!) as the installed one.
Vendor protection tuning
The bruteforce method is to turn off all vendor protection in /etc/zypp/zypp.conf:
EXPERTS ONLY: Per default the solver will not replace packages of
different vendors, unless you explicitly ask to do so. Setting this
option to TRUE will disable this vendor check (unless the application
explicitly re-enables it). Packages will then be considered based on
repository priority and version only. This may easily damage your system.
Valid values: boolean
Default value: false
##solver.allowVendorChange = true
Groups of equivalent vendor strings
A built in example for this are the vendor strings for SuSE and openSUSE. All vendor strings starting (case insensitive) with either “suse” or “opensuse”, are considered to be the samevendor and their packages may replace each other without asking.
You may define your own classes of equivalent vendor strings by creating an entry in the /etc/zypp/vendors.d directory. The directory does not exist per default, so you may have to create it first. For each group of vendor strings create a file, name it as you like, with the following content:
A comma separated list of vendor string (prefixes!)
## Example: suse,opensusevendors = <PUT YOUR LIST HERE>
Note:**The built in rule unifying “suse” and “opensuse” gets disabled as soon as you mention either of those string in a custom rule.[/FONT]
If you use the brute force method, anytime you check the repos for updates, the package with the highest version number will always get downloaded.
But in your case, it may be easier to modify the “Groups of equivalent vendor strings” specific to the KDE repos you are trying to access by default.
Just a small recommendation: it is better to do it from yast (if you can get it to work…) or better yet - assign **Priorities **to your repos.This is because forcing vendor changes can and usually will cause software dependencies to be lost resulting in programs either being removed or unusable.A repo with a lower priority number is in fact given higher priority!From a terminal, type:
zypper repos -p
to list the repositories active.Look at the column on the left hand side with the numbers 1…etcFind the repo you want to give a higher priority and as root, type:
zypper mr -p 50 1
Where 50 is the new priority (by default, added repos start at priority 99, the lowest) and 1 is the number of the repo in the “zypper repos” command. If you don’t want to remember repo numbers, just use the repo short name.mr is short for “modify repo”.
Safest way to upgrade is manually click every application and click the button on the left side under the version that correspond to kde 4.8
This way you will be able to see if there will be a dependency with the app you are upgrading.
This is a pain but it is the way I do it in yast2. Better be safe always.
I just updated mine recently to kde 4.8 and I didn’t saw any dependencies.
Edit. With the title of this thread, when you click the kde4.8 repo button in the version section, the highlighted application above will be updated and will change color.