openSUSE 13.1 (Bottle) (x86_64) 64-bit on Tosh laptop
first, I may not have YOU set up from the original install, so the instruction on the autoupdate was attempted by looking into repositories.
second, I think I updated one where numerous “up arrows indicated” not sure what got updated, but I could not find the necessary changes.
after the update Yast would no longer come up; did several warm and cold reboots…no luck
(I think I did get the bash update done using zypper)
here’s some notes:
problem trying to setup YOU (must have been installed w/ off)
tried to follow instructions for manual YOU setup; had repository list and few upgrades (clicked dwnload arrows )
YAST now will not start (can get admin settings but nothing runs); software mngt; reposit.; system restore; etc / just spins and nothing opens
from “All Settings” can choose “Details” where an Update tab is seen; update indicates 3409 updates at 3.7Gbyte; running fails
here’s msg on fail: libpurple-2.10.9-4.18.1.x86_64 requires openssl-certs, but this requirement cannot be provided
any help would be appreciated:
1. want to get Yast running again
2. want to get the system to routinely keep up with updates; should YOU be setup? How?
computer literate, but Linux newbie
Having the factory repo is bound to be causing issues with inconsistency here, so start by removing or disabling that repo… and if you don’t need the install CD repo, I’d remove them (you have two for some reason).
Then let’s see if the following can get you out of your predicament…
not yet, regarding repo removals…don’t know where or how to edit this.
BTW the icon interface to the repo in “Admin Tools” (as all tools) “just spins” when I double click.
So I cannot access it from there (if that indeed is where it is done).
well, could not get that previous one to run and ran it with the “up” only so it appears to be doing an update of all the repositories.
BTW any hints on getting YOU to work on 13.1? the page for this refers to v12.? and looks like it needs to be done “manually”.
Since I’ve been trained on defective by design, I tend to keep working things alone and I may have chosen to do this manually.
But with several other installs (even RSS owl which I never installed but downloaded from repository) it may be getting complex.
What’s the best way to handle this?
That’s what got me in trouble as I could not find the analogous page on my Yast.
btw it’s still going after 5 min; here’s the header
The following 2 package updates will NOT be installed:
libmtp9 libpurple
The following 14 NEW packages are going to be installed:
clutter-lang gdk-pixbuf-lang glib-networking-lang gnome-control-center-color java-1_7_0-openjdk-headless
kernel-desktop-3.11.10-21.1 libquvi libquvi-scripts libwayland-cursor0 libwebkitgtk2-lang libwebkitgtk3-lang luasocket
totem-pl-parser yast2-inetd-doc
The following 490 packages are going to be upgraded:
On 2014-09-29 03:36, liz4073 wrote:
> well, could not get that previous one to run and ran it with the “up”
> only so it appears to be doing an update of all the repositories.
You absolutely have to remove that factory repo from the list, before
doing anything else.
When done, please run this command in a terminal, so that we can verify:
zypper lr --details
and paste it all here, from initial command prompt, to last command
prompt, in a single mouse sweep, and please do so inside code tags (the
‘#’ button in the forum editor).
Only then we can give you further steps.
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)