I want to add some general information about suseconfig and manual edited config files. After you edited some configuration file of postfix this file is now out of the control of suseconfig and suseconfig will not change the file anymore. For example the main.cf.SuSEconfg is the file proposed by suseconfig but main.cf will not be changed.
But it isn’t necessary to use yast for postfix configuration because postfix is well documented easy to configure and there are a lot of howtos. Just look at The Postfix Home Page and for basic configuration at Postfix Basic Configuration. The file generated from suseconfig is a good start point and now I would suggest to configure postfix for your needs manually.
Oh I just forget to mention the options you might looking for
guess you are looking for the options smtpd_sender_restrictions smtpd_recipient_restrictions and smtpd_helo_restrictions. You might want to add permit_mynetworks to them and set the variable mynetworks to a proper value. But have a closer look at the documentation before to find out if that is what you wanted to do.
Postfix has so many config variables that it will be nigh impossible to support them all with a GUI interface. You actually have three options:
For simple cases you can use YaST.
For more complicated situations you can set config variables by using a special syntax in /etc/sysconfig/postfix, for example: POSTFIX_ADD_MESSAGE_SIZE_LIMIT=10240000 will generate message_size_limit=10240000 in /etc/postfix/main.cf. This allows you to retain compatibility with YaST, and not end up with a main.cf.SuSEconfig whenever the system is reconfigured.
You can abandon any control by YaST and edit main.cf yourself.
Just be careful of this: if you set a variable more than once in main.cf, you get no warning, the last setting silently wins. So if you search from the beginning of the file, don’t stop at the first match, look for all matches.