Yahoo Messenger clone on 12.1

I need to use Yahoo Messenger on 12.1 KDE4. What suggestions does anyone have about which clone to use? All I need it for is to listen to my voicemail on Yahoo.

Can this just be done in the browser now?

Not like it was. Yahoo has dropped support for Messenger web version but can open chat window or accept invites while logged in to web mail.
It is text only, no audio or video as in windows messenger.

So it’s back to the original question. What software should I use to listen to my Yahoo voicemail?

On 12/24/2011 07:06 PM, stubble wrote:
> So it’s back to the original question. What software should I use to
> listen to my Yahoo voicemail?

There is:
"gyachi - A Yahoo! chat client with Webcam and voice support, in the
Packman repo.

I have never used it; it may or may not work for you.

Kopete? Pidgin?