Y-Offset on main screen after dual monitor use (ATI)

Hello altogether,

I am sorry to ask this, but I cannot find a clue in the net on this subject. And apparently I don’t know how to formulate the problem for google.

I have used an external monitor (video projector) with my notebook with success. I’ve chosen to set it up with catalyst 12.1 as I had trouble doing so with the standard KDE settings. Everything worked fine.

The problem:
After disconnecting the projector from the VGA-port and rebooting the system, the login screen just shows the opensuse-wallpaper. Logging into KDE (blind typing) behaves likewise. I just see the output of the secondary screen. Starting catalyst, a “1” on a red rectangular appears to mark the notebook screen as primary. Opening the KDE settings for monitor, the internal screen has an y-offset of “1050”, the vertical resolution of the external source. After a reboot the “1050” is again set up to default. I can manually reset the field to “0” and then use the screen without problems, but obviously I really like to have the laptop screen normal without resetting the y-offset manually after each system boot.

I will next try to connect the external source back, have a look into the catalyst settings and trying to disconnect it first software-side. Maybe this helps. But if so, I take this as a bug.

Has anyone an other clue? Am I simply missing something?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Hardware specs:
Asus Eee 1215B, AMD E-450, Radeon 6320HD, Catalyst 12.1, OpenGL/ES-Version 4.2.11631, GLX 1.4 (ATI), GLU 1.3, opensuse 12.1, KDE 4.7.2r5