I’d like to be able to use xthe, the X11 version of The Hessling Editor. Apperently there is an issue with PDcurses, which xthe requires, in openSUSE. Does anybody point me to the explanation of why PDcurses is not available in the openSUSE repositories? Thanks.
Looks like PDcurses hasn’t been referenced often.
I do admire the fact that it continues to be actively maintained over time.
An Internet search on any openSUSE users asking about PDcurses was also for using the Hessling Editor, and was asked about in 2009 (There was a PDcurses package then).
You can submit a feature request for adding it back to the openSUSE repositories,
And in the meantime,
I wrote the following Wiki article for anyone searching for needed dependencies in my recommended order
Here you go…
Download from here once published…
Really cool, Malcolm!
Now we won’t have another Forum post about a non-working Hessling Editor for the next 10 years…