just installed leap 15.2 on my newly upgraded home server. I switched from a simple Debian server with no DE to openSUSE with KDE cause I have a bunch of new horsepower and I wanted to be able to use YAST for graphical config. I installed xRDP and the default config is booting iceWM on login instead of KDE when logging in with RDP. When logging in locally it starts plasma with no problem. I have managed to find some stack overflow posts that say to modify ~/.Xclient with “startkde” but that doesn’t seem to work.
xRDP documentation is surprisingly sparse. I’m just hoping somebody knows how to do this easily?
Thanks much. And I am really enjoying OpenSUSE so far.
I recently tested xorgxrdp and it started default user session which was KDE (I actually tested it to verify that KDE could be used under xorgxrdp). I did not need to configure anything special. May be you should elaborate on what exactly you installed, from where and what additional adjustments you performed.
i installed the “xrdp” package from the main repo for 15.2. It pulled the “xorgxrdp” package as a dependency. Then I simply started the service and enabled it to start on boot in yast (which I assume equates to just a simple “systemctl enable xrdp.service”, but I am new to yast).
I then attempted to log in remotely using the xorg session that is preconfigured in the xrdp.ini file and it loaded up iceWM.
At this point I did the googling and stackoverflow suggeted putting “startkde” in ~/.Xclient. This made no change. I did not want to start messing around .xinitrc or anything like that as I am new to SUSE and the logic in there seems much more complicated than I am used to from the Debian and Arch worlds.
Make sure you’re running KDE in either XWayland or xorg. Although Wayland is supposed to support remote display protocols recently, it’s likely spotty and specific to setting up the Compositor and WM correctly.
Additionally, I didn’t notice you specified what server-side software you’re running, most of all you need to read its documentation and set up according to some guide (you should post a link to that, too).
You can try to set SESSION in /etc/xrdp/startwm.sh to be the plasma.
From inside the startwm.sh you can see that the default SESSION was set to the gnome.
But if gnome was not installed to your system, xrdp choses the icewm for the remoted desktop environment.
This is a fix for remote desktop access. Last year I did do an RDP with KDE Plasma and it was a nightmare. I quickly read, using a different windows manger like IceWM was the preferred solution. Now instead of changing your main windows manger, RDP by default pulls IceWM.
Since this issue is continued in Leap 15.4 and affects me with LXQt, I compared with my EOL’ed 15.3 Installation (and others). - Blame it on: /etc/xrdp/startwm.sh !
There are several versions of this script. Maybe 15.4 is packaged with an old version?
Retire the version with
case $SESSION in
I recommend the actual Tumbleweed version starting with:
if [ -r /etc/profile ]; then
. /etc/profile
if [ -r ~/.bash_profile ]; then
. ~/.bash_profile
if [ -r ~/.bash_login ]; then
. ~/.bash_login
if [ -r ~/.profile ]; then
. ~/.profile
return 0