I’m not sure how much this helps, but I’m all about the openSUSE project, and want to find some light on this… What I’m trying to do is specifically a dual desktop / extended desktop on GNOME in 11.2…
I have a desktop with a 8600 Nvidia… Was struggling with dual desktop… No longer is any monitor configuration under Yast. (Also, I notice that kernel is “desktop” and not “default” ?)
KDE worked fine for dual desktop - but then of course if you like KDE, you must have an understanding of where to go when there are too many places to set everything… I toyed with it for a bit, then had to go back to my fav - GNOME.
I was pleasantly surprised by default after loading my home profile into GNOME that WITHOUT nVidia drivers, it defaulted to a dual desktop. Never seen that before, right on… However, no special effects, which is something I require for my setup.
So obviously, I needed to install the nVidia drivers, reboot… Came back… No dual desktop, went to look in usual place - YAST & Control Center… In fact, couldn’t even see second monitor. Finally had a thought that this new version may be trying to be clever and have an app associated. Sure enough, inside applications is the nVidia Control Panel.
I wrestled with settings here and tried many reboots… What finally works for me (for now), is that this has to be done in a live session. I can’t find a way to save a startup config in this. If you hover over “Quit”, it says it saves to your home dir nVidia config file. However upon editing, I don’t see this being saved. A reboot confirms that it reverts to a single monitor setting. I also tried hitting “Save to X Configuration File”… Everytime I try that the window freezes and I must kill it (tried after several reboots).
So moral of the story as far as I can see for now:
- You must set your settings manually after a reboot (can’t find a way to make persistent, if anyone knows, please explain!)
- Goto Applcations → NVIDIA X Server Settings
- Click 2nd down on left “X Server Display Config”
- Adjust your layout as necessary, make sure to choose “TwinView” under the “Configure…” button
- Hit “Apply.” For me, this creates the screens I want. I can click “Quit” and go about my business and everything looks great…
- Caveat - after reboot, all of this is gone and reset - nothing saved. Just have to set this up again!
I hope within nVidia’s next update they understand this issue and can fix. For now, simply replaying this config after a restart (which shouldn’t be too often for a linux system) will work for me…
MORE than happy to hear any other solutions to this, please explain if any insight!