XFS stress my hard drive

XFS stress my hard drive and KDE load horrible. This situation make my apps to load slow.
I defrag my root and home partition but this don’t change the situation.
Same situation after remove confs files from home user.

If I need to reinstall I am sorry but I don’t want openSUSE.
It is not for me. It is less stable than I want to be.

If you want to just rant there is a section for that. This area is reserved for questions. So do you require help??

You know you don’t have to use XFS or BTRFS the ext1-4 are still available for use.

I personally have found openSUSE 13.2 very reliable and fast and stable. Of course I picked my hardware to run Linux. Maybe you just have inferior hardware. For sure you are the only one reporting this set of problems so either your hardware simply is no good for Linux or you don’t know what you are doing but think you do thus making a mess of things??

BTW you need to show respect to get respect back

My hardware is ok.
I don’t mess things.
YAST2 mess things.
XFS mess things.
Maybe this is not openSUSE fault.

My hardware run ok with other distros.
With openSUSE I reinstall it 2 times in one month.

Well perhaps you should find out what the problem is. So far you have not shown a real problem in any of your threads just a bunch of rants. If you want help we are happy to try but we do not read minds or have crystal balls. You should tell us what you see copy paste any error messages tell use the hardware. Show use what you did. Please use code tags (#) for computer output since the board does mess with formatting unless you do.

What desktop? is perhaps a process running. Run top.

Have no idea what you mean by stress hard drive. the frag report you posted in the other thread shows nothing terribly unusual.

Note that by default openSUSE 13.2 use BTRFS for root partition and xfs for home. Are you using something different??

Also please keep one problem in one thread at a time. But so far you have not shown us any problems just gave you opinions