Xfce's parole and MP4


I just tried to run an mp4 video using Parole but it told me: “You do not have the necessary decoder to play this file. You might have to install a plugin” or something to that effect. I had a quick look on google for an mpeg4 plugin but there doesnt seem to be one.

Is there a file I can add the codec to? And what codec?


Consider the packman repository Additional package repositories - openSUSE

I already have the packman repository added. What of it?

lkzp wrote:

> billypap;2463542 Wrote:
>> Consider the packman repository ‘Additional package repositories -
>> openSUSE’ (http://en.opensuse.org/Additional_package_repositories)
> I already have the packman repository added. What of it?
> –
> lkzp
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> lkzp’s Profile: http://forums.opensuse.org/member.php?userid=67609
> View this thread: http://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php?t=475397

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